It is very weird for all kinds of tyre compound is use a single type of texture/mapping.
For example, chunky off road tyres have way different grooves compare to normal road tyres and slick tyres, and should use different type of mapping/texture to represent it visually.
Can we have that?
If so, can you make it moddable, so we can load in our own texture/mapping so we can mod in different tyre brands visually?
Modding is maybe too much, but a visual difference between off-road, road and slick would be nice; expecially in the new photo mode.
I agree that it doesn’t need to be modable, but something that changes depending on the year and tire compound would definitively be something that would be nice.
But who knows what kind of surprise the devs have for us with the transition to UE4.
I would like to put out there something I have been thinking of. Suspension typess ie when using air bags etc the springs change from a coil to a airbag, differerent swaybars when using offroad or active units etc…small things I know but it would be just another cherry on top of this awesome game
I’m quite sure it is already planned to have this.
In fact, you can find different tread textures in the game files already; they just don’t work in game.