My suggestion is, if the people that I had make the preorder (Normal Aspirated or Turbo) can choose 2 or 1 DLC free for Automation.
I think that this is a good idea because they help in the game developing (like make suggestions or post the bugs to fix), and pay the preorder.
Well supercharged already get access to v16s once they are made so that’s taken care of, turbos got the soundtrack and v16s, normal preorders get a lot of experience in car tuning over those who come later. Seems pretty bbalanced to me so far
Also, you get a lot of game for the current price right now. I think the devs deserve the extra cash for the DLC they make, as a lot of work has to be put into DLC again, like recalculations, modelling, betatesting, etc.
Well, I’d say that’s a rather absurd (because one-sided) proposition: You are preordering Automation 1.0 and all bugfixes as well as support that come after that, nothing more, nothing less.
Would you personally, vmo, spend 1000h (half a work year) of your precious time to continue working for your old employer AFTER your contract has run out and you get no compensation whatsoever, just for being “nice”?
[quote=“Killrob”]Well, I’d say that’s a rather absurd (because one-sided) proposition: You are preordering Automation 1.0 and all bugfixes as well as support that come after that, nothing more, nothing less.
Would you personally, vmo, spend 1000h (half a work year) of your precious time to continue working for your old employer AFTER your contract has run out and you get no compensation whatsoever, just for being “nice”?[/quote]
You have reason.
How about you give preorders 10% off on all future DLCs? It would definitely give people a reason to buy the game now, and you don’t lose much in the future.
It seems to me like you guys are trying to give more incentive to preorder the game. Remember what the FAQ says about if they die! If you don’t feel like the game has enough content to purchase now, then don’t.
(Trust me, for a car enthusiast or even a car dilettante, there is enough content)
Remember also the reason behind the preorders-to gain funds to develop the game (and live). If they were to need more funds immediately, then there would be a reason to add incentive.
I dotn see why we would benefit for pre-ordering. We already get quite some for pre-ordering, like playing the game right now, having a say in things and suggesting things, getting turbo’s and superchargers, getting V16s and so on… and so on… So it’s fair to pay full price for any DLC that might arrive. But why all this hassle about DLC. Let’s first get a full, final version of this game out of the door and giv ethe developers a good time off for vacation before considering any DLC.
Very good point, DLCs are not that important at this time.
I agree that DLCs are not important right now because the game is not even finished, we might get what we want in the game itself and not even need a dlc.
There are already plans for DLC releases for inline 2/3’s among other things. But of course, it’s pointless to discuss it now since the game hasn’t even reached early access yet. What’s also pointless is digging up a post that was pretty much resolved over 2 weeks ago, just to essentially repeat what Jakgoe said. But well done on your first post anyway!
I3s will be in the core game though
I2s and I8s are candidates for later DLC.
Just a stupid question maybe, but are I2 the same as 2 takt engine?
Did trabants have 2takts or I2s?
I2 (Inline 2) and 2 stroke is not the same. Normal engines are 4 stroke where each on the four operations: Intake, compression, power and exhaust have their own stroke. In a 2 stroke two things happen at the same time, so the engine whole cycle takes 1 rotation of the crankshaft as opposed to 2 with a 4 stroke.
The Trabants engine are a 2 stroke and a inline 2.
Oh right, so they have both. Thats what got me confused. I knew the 2takt and i2 couldnt be the same, but because i heardpeople speak before about both an i2 and a 2takt inside a trabant it got me confused. Thanks for explaining T16!
Im throwing money at the screen, but no dlcs are downloading? what gives.
Lack of sleep?
You’re not stroking efficiently enough
To the general public:
Aren’t the devs considering diesel, Wankel rotary and 2-stroke for DLC once they’ve finished making the game and get enough sales?
Yes they are, but please use the search function to find the answer next time, this has been discussed before.
Yep, been discussed over and over.
EDIT: Beaten