Engine failure

Hi Guys the demo of the game is truly brilliant and as a true petrol head with some racing and testing background I am very excited to see what happens with the game.

Now on to some ideas,
When an engine fails during the testing it would be great to see bits of metal flying out or maybe a rod through the side of the block and oil everywhere.
Also thermal images of hot spots being generated internally (typical on over boosted turbocharged and supercharged engines)?
I have other ideas but I shall wait and see how these are received first.

Good work guys keep it up :slight_smile:

Ohh wow, that does sound like a very complicated thing to do :slight_smile: and I think you only suggest that because you misunderstand the engine designer a bit… we fooled you! Yay! :smiley:
It is NOT a simulation… just a very good parameterization. That means: we don’t simulate the burning of fuel, heat dissipation, etc. That would be hugely complex and a big source for errors. ;(

You will be able to burn your engine with turbos though :stuck_out_tongue: probably not visually either though… so you’ll have to imagine that part :wink:
Also: the revamped engine designer will be quite a bit better than what you played. Something to look forward to :slight_smile:

Looking forward to the new revamp :slight_smile: I too would love to see (but understand feature creep) engines blowing up but as you said its not a simulation.

Ok my fault I should have read more first.

However not quite related to the topic but what about being able to have a showroom other users can come and see your cars and examine them?
As its a car tycoon game will we have that chance or is it too complex?

Thanks :slight_smile:

you could just make the engine turn into a cloud of smoke. :astonished:

[quote=“milamber20032”]Ok my fault I should have read more first.

However not quite related to the topic but what about being able to have a showroom other users can come and see your cars and examine them?
As its a car tycoon game will we have that chance or is it too complex?

Thanks :slight_smile:[/quote]

a good workaround: save your cars and upload them on the site, so others can download your work and play around with it :slight_smile:

speaking of parts flying around - you should add which part is failing, at least in small white letters, because its sometimes hard to figure out what has failed in an engine