Engine tunings options suggestions

I got a couple of suggestions. nothing radical changes, more like fine tuning
To have the option of twin and single entry turbo in the turbo section.
Valve size and valve springs tunings options.
Oilcooler, different types like air or water cooled and sizes.
ability to change gear ratios on the gearbox, gear to gear.
E85 as fuel option

I keep fill up when I get more idees and hope i get feedback what works and dont and hope you like my idees :unamused:

I got a couple of suggestions. nothing radical changes, more like fine tuning
To have the option of twin and single entry turbo in the turbo section.
Valve size and valve springs tunings options.
Oilcooler, different types like air or water cooled and sizes.
ability to change gear ratios on the gearbox, gear to gear.
E85 as fuel option

I keep fill up when I get more idees and hope i get feedback what works and dont and hope you like my idees :unamused:[/quote]

There are more turbo types coming when the tycoon will be mostly done.

The problem with your valve and oil cooler adjustements, is that they would take up precious space in the UI while not making that much of a difference in return.
Valve size is already directly dependent on bore, as for the valve spring type/material, I like to think of that as being affected by top end quality.
And for the oil cooler, you could just assume that what is selected is what the engine requires.

For the gear box, this has been discussed a few times and the conclusion is usually that it takes too much space and makes the game too complicated for little return.

As for E85, the current system in the game only considers octane, so it wouldnā€™t make much of a difference. While E85 is higher octane than what is currently available, I cannot think of a single car on the market that needs the high octane from E85 to run properly. The highest I know are some sportier cars requiring AKI 93~94.

Koenigsegg is the only carmaker that has used the higher octane rating of E85 to increase the performance of an engine.
800 hp with standard fuel, 1000+ running on E85.

Well good points, but I want to add some more to the discusion! :slight_smile:

yes, maximum valve size is restricted to bore, but you dont see that often on aproduction car, and it will add the ability to change the character of the engine.

Valve spring rate depends on the rev limit of the car, you need harder at higher limit, but that dosnt make that different to the game so its overrated

Most production cars who have e85 isnt for the octan, its for lower emission, other resons is lower engine temp, lower damage when knock, burns cleaner and need less oxygen, and if you use a flexifuil sensor you can change free between e85 and gasoline, and grogg if you want too! :slight_smile:

How does another step in engine design add to the gameplay fun? For the car and engine enthusiasts it does, for the majority of the casual players it doesnā€™t, Iā€™m afraid. Remember that this is a car tycoon game, not an engine simulator game :wink: The engine designer is already complicated enough for the majority as it is.

It was suggestions, its better to say them then keep quite, if I give 100 suggestions maybe 1-10 are good and add gamevalue, so I rather say them then keep them to my self :slight_smile:

About twin entry, it was to add something to the turbo side, which now is very empty, wider power but more expensive, just another option of setup more the bearing type.

But the gearbox ratio I dont think is complicated, just set a preset as it is, and for those who want to change can change, even nfs underground had this option and that wasnt a game for engineers :smiley:

About E85 i thought about it as a alternetive green fuel which work with a normal gasoline engine.

Yes, the valve thing was maybe more of a enthuist thing, but I rather say it then keep quite.
same about oilcooler, its maybe overrated in a gamevalue aspect, but it will add riability to the car, becouse you can despose the heat when the engine is pushed hard, and not brake down. most modern engine uses it, even if it rarely come to use, it is still a safety futere when the block no longer can transfer enough heat to cool it down. :smiley:

soā€¦ mods, will we see twin entry turbo in some distant future? :wink:

I had some other thoughts to, like trailer hook, to add more overall usefulness to the car.
And winch for 4x4 cars.

I still think adding oilcooler in the future is good idea, like if you add a oilcooler, depending on size, will add better cooling so you dont need as much cooling holes in the car and will result in less drag, but cost some instedd. discuss :unamused:

Itā€™s been discussed before. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5903&hilit=twin+scroll+turbo#p66501

My '94 Ford Taurus SHO had a factory engine oil cooler. Just because it had a factory oil cooler doesnā€™t mean it will make for a good design choice in a video game. On that basis, you might as well add transmission oil coolers, differential coolers, coolers for the hydraulic fluid in the active wingsā€¦ you see where Iā€™m going with this? You have to draw the line somewhere.

Judging by the three commandments (which can be found = here)ā€¦ engine oil coolers will never make it into this game because it fails to pass commandment #3.

[quote=ā€œSlim Jimā€]

Itā€™s been discussed before. viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5903&hilit=twin+scroll+turbo#p66501

My '94 Ford Taurus SHO had a factory engine oil cooler. Just because it had a factory oil cooler doesnā€™t mean it will make for a good design choice in a video game. On that basis, you might as well add transmission oil coolers, differential coolers, coolers for the hydraulic fluid in the active wingsā€¦ you see where Iā€™m going with this? You have to draw the line somewhere.

Judging by the three commandments (which can be found = here)ā€¦ engine oil coolers will never make it into this game because it fails to pass commandment #3.[/quote]

Well I didnt see it, becouse it wasnt in sugestions and i search for twin entry and not twin scroll, but it did answer my quistions, thx :smiley:

About your ford, So your ford had a oil cooler, okeyā€¦? so becouse ford had oil coolers, it is not a good design for a gameā€¦? why would we had all sorts of coolers? well you are so focused on why we shouldnt have a oilcooler so you longer make no sence :smiley:

Well i added my thought on how it can be used in a way in the game, tell my the flaws about that solution insted ^^

Feature creep. :smiley:

I just want to point out that Saab also used engines capable of fully using E85ā€™s higher octane at the end of their run. Actually all Saabs that Iā€™ve owned (As old as a 1987) have been able to use various grades of fuel, giving more power (and therefore potentially more economy) the higher the grade of fuel used. This APC unit might be a nice piece of equipment to add to the game. You design an engine for the best-possible octane, and then by adding APC you gain some value on the practicality and reliability scores. That should adequately represent the end impacts, if Iā€™m understanding how the tycoon system will work.

More reading on APC, which is an interesting technology, wikipedia is useful:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_ ā€¦ ce_Control

Most modern cars tuned for AKI 91 can run on AKI 87, itā€™s just that the reduced performance and fuel mileage isnā€™t really worth it.