I’ve been playing around in the engine designer for a few days now, and I can see a lot of things missing that I want in it…Most of which have been suggested, or are actually planned.
There are however, two things I can think of that haven’t been planned or suggested (AFAIK, forgive me if I’m wrong about that.)
Custom Flywheels. This way, we could change the flywheel to handle the power differently and increase the lifespan or responsiveness. It could make city cars more efficient, and supercars more fun!
I believe if there is ever an rFactor exporter, this could aid performance in that too. DRIFT CARS, DRIFT CARS EVERYWHERE!
Custom Idle revs. This is more of a pet peeve than something that would truly have an effect. I just hate it when I make high-revving engines, start them up, and hear “PRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUPRUP”
Or we could make engines that idle at 11900 and redline at 12000.