a cool feature to add in the car designer is fuel tank capacity and range in miles
15 gal tank, 25mpg = 375 mile range
55 gal tank, 14mpg = 770 mile range
*figures are in Imp US
a cool feature to add in the car designer is fuel tank capacity and range in miles
15 gal tank, 25mpg = 375 mile range
55 gal tank, 14mpg = 770 mile range
*figures are in Imp US
I will even add where to place the fuel tank. That would involve several aspects of the car: safety, interaction with the transmission, capacity vs. boot/passengers space…
If not, you could add a huge tank “for free” (without any limitation).
But it depends on how powerfull the car designer is (which I don’t know) and if it woult take too much programing time.
yes i love to see both fuel tanks and range and i lke to be able to put anywhere that be cool
Yep, this would be part of car design i’d say
great thanks Daffyflyer