Game and Website Sync

I’m not sure what it would take, but I think it would be awesome if the game and website/forum could sync with your information. We have our logins which, as you know, are used to log onto the forum and into the game. What if basic stats and data could be saved on, per say, a thread in the forum. That way you can have your own profile/company thread that has ALL of your stats, ALL of you cars’ stats, and All of your engines’ stats. This can be linked to the Company Directory ID numbers (more info here) and our current company threads (moved to a new forum section, though). Like I said, I have no idea if it is possible, or what it would take, but it would be a great way to immerse the forum into the game.

For the devs maybe not something to focus on, but I’m working on something which I hope to announce soon :wink:

If you can do that Wizzy, I will recommend you for President of Automation.

Oooooooooooh, now I’m excited!

Yeah, I don’t think this is something for the team to be focusing on right now. The company ID thread isn’t an official “game” thread. Think of it as a roleplay aspect for Automation. Also, I’m not an expert on the forum software, but I’m pretty sure that what you’ve outlined would be next to impossible to do with the existing software. Plus, it would add quite a bit more load to the server, which we don’t want.

Hope you understand! :slight_smile:

I completely understand. I guess my main thought was integration of a company ID-like system that was connected to an outside-the-game website. We have a great community base, and it’d be great to get everyone involved in the sharing of creations, whether they have the game or not. Although we can do that now, it’d be neat to have it built in.

Definitely would be neat, but sadly, the core team doesn’t have enough resources to make it happen, so they do have to compromise on the lower priority things. The cons of a small Indie company I guess :neutral_face:

We are pondering some kind of “share this car to facebook” function to show off your designs, but the Facebook API is a cold-hearted bitch…


Daffy: No surprise. A billion dollar company is going to make you do it EXACTLY how they want…

Wizzy: I didn’t see that in the search…thanks for the link. If you need help with any of it, let me know.

Of course it didnt show up in the search, it has been posted yesterday evening :wink:

Of course, silly me…I was looking at the date you joined, thinking that was when it was posted…

In any case, back on topic, I’m glad to see that this is being implemented to some degree!