Global Grand Prix Challenge (Finished)

The event is closed!
Thank you to all who have participated and submitted cars:


And @chiefzach2018 who is still entering their car but submitted a post

Good luck!


still working on this, but it’s gonna take a while since my ram has died completely. i don’t have estimates for when everything’s all done & dusted but i am still working on getting this finished and looking pretty.


don’t worry! i haven’t forgotten about this, my computer is just still out of commission… the scores have been tallied, i’ve just got a lot of writing and picture taking to do, the latter of which i can’t do right now without a little help.


Please excuse me for being that guy, but it’s been almost two months since we got an update on this challenge.

With that in mind, has this challenge been abandoned, or is it merely on hiatus?

still no working pc, believe it or not. but i’ve finally been able to get the broken parts sent back for RMA. if all goes well, expect a final update in two or so weeks.


now this is epic


found out that a group i really loved being in for this game doesn’t really want me around anymore, so i don’t really have any more motivation to be here. here are the final results. i really wanted to get some cool flavor text with a bunch of different fake interviews and reviews but, what’s even the point anymore? this is probably my last update on this site, at least for running and being in challenges.

here’s the final spreadsheet of results. i just wanna forget this place exists now.