Ground breaking suggestion

You guys should totally add twin-charged W24 motors!

Also, happy April Fool’s :laughing:

And 2-stroke radial diesel engines! :laughing:

And Turbocharged Rotary engines! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’d find a use for a turbine engine. Nothing says “I make great cars” like getting single-digit MPG and making thousands of horsepower at a few ten-thousand RPM.

Turbine engines could have their uses for alternate reality cars, since there have been a few throughout the decades…

Could make for interesting DLC, in my opinion.

I want to build a hydrogen fuel cell car… in 1946 :slight_smile:

Give us EV tech in 1946 :smiley:

Maybe some Flinstones tech… You know foot powered :laughing:

The first electric car was actually made in 1884

There was a time where steam, gasoline, and electric cars all had decent market shares, but the gasoline engine ultimately won. Now the electrics are back for their revenge, and we can only guess when the steam cars will rise again :laughing:

[quote=“thecarlover”]Turbine engines could have their uses for alternate reality cars, since there have been a few throughout the decades…

Could make for interesting DLC, in my opinion.[/quote]

1000 loudness :laughing:

Horse and buggy designer or i refund!!!

I demand hybrid diesel twincharged 240 liter h44s with ten superchargers powered by wankels that run on E85, then I want the heat generated by all the engines to by used for a steam engine that also uses the steam to spool the turbos. Then I want to put that in a horse with a ride height of 0.1 mm and -70 degrees of camber.

What have I just unleashed? :laughing:

Could be worse.

I think you have to refuel it once every thirty years.