Group A Racing Challenge (Homologation and Racing) [Race Car Evaluation]

@Happyhungryhippo - Car was missing the mandatory radio. Team had to fit one, it reduced the interior quality by two clicks to stay within budget. Slapping a Radio in did cost the team 3 Laps at the first race.

The first race at Yarnagrad just finished. There was a fierce battle for first position between Nordwagen and Gipfe. The Nordwagen Team crossed the finish line just 4 seconds ahead of the Gipfe. Third place went to Hikaru being only four laps down. The red lantern was handed to EMW.
McDougMotors landed a great surprise by reaching position 5 while having the lowest budget in the field by far.


Interesting to see that budget isn’t an obvious predictor of the results here. Especially @moroza, @IncredibleHondaFit, and @RMcDoug seem to have far outperformed their budgets in this race. Of course, that also means that some people (like me) have clearly not made the best use of their budgets. I think I hamstrung my design with tires that were too narrow but didn’t really notice the handling drawbacks until building the race car.

What it lacks in Show it makes up for in Go. Hat tipped.

I ended up running out of time for both variants and probably didn’t pick the right displacement, but lore wise it makes sense that Hikaru would outsell the others in production cars.

It seems like your car is faster, but I have slightly better fuel eco or reliability which makes up for the difference. You definitely did a better job with the budget

The reason Nordwagen came out on top was the higher fuel capacity. He made one less fuel stop.


Results Al-Rima

The next race is finished. Nordwagen is again dominating the field. Gipfe fell a bit behind this race being now one lap down at the finish. The first three places stayed equal to the Yarnagrad result. Zephorus now able to compete went to take fourth place. The Lark Fighter took over last place from the Apparatschik. Flint and Primus share 7th place in the championship, Lark and EMW 11th.


For you guys to be able to compare each others cars a bit:


Noise limits screwed me in the end for the production car, and thus the race car, I was hoping to pull a nissan by having around 650hp+ but ended up having to cut that 100hp short at 542 :confused:
I also had to spend a ludicrous amount of budget on making the weight limit, having to run 5 full seats and just 5 weight optimisation and safety at +2. This is what I’ll blame for not being able to get as much grip as the competitors :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like I have a bad habit of making my gearing too long. I did try making it shorter, but at one of the tracks my car was like a second quicker with one click longer gearing so the excel has a kind of glitch or “grey area” that can be exploited

When its about gearing the glitch is totally in Automations Driving Simulation. The Gearig itself is not involved in the Excel at all. Its only Laptimes plus added time for drivability and the fuelstops (incl. reliability penalty). One click longer or shorter gearing can make it shift or not shift entering a corner.

My EMW has a Turbo Lag up to 4500 and below the acceleration is non existent. The game for the love of god wouldnt shift down, instead tried to come out of every corner with 3500rpm no matter what.

Adding seats is very inefficient. If you can tolerate it in the front, weight is best added via a bigger family bore, then underboring the variant to the desired displacement. Cheap, adds reliability especially in the first 3-5mm.

Steel rims, bigger brakes, less chassis quality, more body quality, and the weight optimization slider are the next preferred techniques.

I checked @morozas and your car files. Your car has a consumption of 10,72l/100km compared to morozas 16,58l/100km. BUT that stat is calculated by the test cycles for “normal traffic use”, when your turbo probably is not spooling most of the time. At peak torque morozas engine is far more fuel efficient.

vs. your car:

Turbo läuft, Turbo säuft! (Turbo spools, Turbo starts binge drinking) Moroza at Yarnagrad squeezed out 51 Laps from one Tank, while your car only gets 40.

+With his better drivability his penalty on the raw lap time is less.

Bcs of all of this I just saw I had a typo transfering morozas end result in Yarnagrad, it was actually 239 Laps not 236.

I made a copy of these sheets for each car. I will make them accessible at the end, so everybody can compare their cars results.


Damn 3 laps ahead!? I thought we had a competition not a massacre

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Narnilla Results


Teberberg Results
Multiple results only 1 Lap apart from each other or even finishing on the same lap.


Final Race at Ellisbury

Congratulations to our Group A Champions:
@moroza - 1st
@ErenWithPizza - 2nd
@VaporScape - 3rd

Honorable Mentions to RMcDoug who got the harshest budget penalty and entered a racecar anyways, making it probably one of if not the most cost effective entry measured by Dollars/Point.

Thanks again for all your patience.


The collected data in case you are interested in having a look:!AnFEJXzJTPbPki7SPls4Eh36JQvj?e=2lEKTY

Race car excels

That’s my first podium win in a competition. Pretty happy with that. Thanks for hosting, I had a lot of fun!