GUI Suggestion`s

Hi ev1 and Dev Team, 1st I would like to say the GUI is very good and I would like to ask if a few options might be looked at and 1 small tweak,

  1. When in the Engine Design GUI the location of it can it be moved with not to much work on your part, as some times I hit the quit game when going to the test button and it can be frustrating as I have been close to getting the right setting “ops I hit quit”, can you either make it ask to confirm or can you raise the Automation text at the top a little bit and put the pre-order and quit game up there and move the ED GUI down so that is just above the pre-order and game is in development bar.

  2. If you look at the ED GUI and this is the small tweak, where the tab for the buttons Top-end and Test is needs to be lowered a bit to be lined up (sorry to point this out if you`s have already seen it) I just want this game to be the best it can.

  3. When in sand box it does not show the life span of the engine when selecting different motors.

  4. When you change the revision number the graph does not show the previous graph for those settings.

  5. When in the V8 section and selecting different engine blocks it cuts off the text and you can`t read it when scrolling down.

Other then that I love the GUI it is friendly and easy to use if I find anything else I will post it here, thanks for your time.

Regards, Jazeel

  1. The oops I hit quit thing is going to be fixed by making the non-active frames not accept clicks until it is active. Also we are going to gray everything non-active out so that it is more clear what is relevant at that time.
  2. The full GUI is currently receiving a revamp with everything else :slight_smile: we’ll do our best to line up things properly.
  3. Hmm, will take a look at it, I think this has been reported previously.
  4. I don’t quite understand what you mean, as changing the revision number doesn’t change the engine, only its ID.
  5. The cutting-off problem is being fixed in the revamp too. :slight_smile:


Hi and thanks for the fast reply Killrob, sorry if I have mentioned stuff that has been looked at and fixed I did a search for GUI and came up with nothing so I just started 1, I know you`s are doing your best and I love all of the hard work gone into it already :smiley: sorry about my bad gram-mer not my strong point lol, I was trying to ask if I am not mistaken if you change the revision number should it not show you what the engine out put was for that number eg, if I use 0 and have a carburetor installed and run test save engine, then change to number 1 and install a injector and run a test, then change the revision to number 0 should it not show me the differences? sorry if I am confused as you know I am new to Automation :wink: So with that my apologies for pointing out stuff you already know I will look at more posts before posting, thanks for your time.

Regards, Jazeel