Help Needed: Which YouTube Channels Do We Contact?

TC9700Gaming is on the list, yes :slight_smile:

You could try splattercat

His channel has always been about indie games and I could see him doing his W.I.N episode on this game which is his weekly look at an obscure game or something hes been waiting for which has just come to early access/updated

I think the issue you guys will find is early access is burnt full of slowly updated games and people are getting tired of it, because people are getting tired of it the interest in youtubers covering them unless they are PPP or very popular is quite low. The selling point for most people would be the tycoon gameplay of which you won’t be doing for so long which doesn’t help

I suggest

Covers everything from GTA V (AAA) to indies. Does community challenges. I don’t think he is a car guy but it would be fun to see him play. Subscribers at the moment of writing: 257 000

you could try kurt. he does a bit of this and that

Kurtjmac stuff(including racing) 372k no english

@All: Emails have been sent, I’ve contacted ~90 different channels and websites.

@Pjodron: He was included in those 90 :slight_smile:

Have you tried these guys?

Yes I did! quill18 just posted an Automation video :slight_smile: so it worked!

If you dont mind I will make some videos over at my little channel.

I only have 800 subs and odds are it wont get more then 25 views in the first day but every little bit helps.

I plan on recording a bunch of videos for a variety of games over spring break. … MRZ1ehQLpQ

Of course we don’t mind! You were on our list of candidates too, but finally I had to drop you because you have too few views per recent video to get beyond our set minimum view requirement to get into the closed beta early :slight_smile: still would love to see you do more Automation videos though! Cheers!

Well… it worked…

Saw the vid on Quill18’s channel, remembered it being mentioned many moons ago on Barryboys, looked at some more vids on YouTube and bought the game…

I hope you’re happy, now I have to eat bread for the rest of the month :slight_smile:

I am uploading a video today. I meant it to be 10 minutes but instead its half an hour.

All because you did a patch that added a pick up truck yesterday. I like pick up trucks.

It shows off the entire car making process and how to tweak the suspension for best results (or as good as I can get it).

How about GUN1T123? He’s got a ton of subscribers, and while he only does GTA V, he might be open to Automation as well. Emphasis on “might.”

Very popular youtube channel is XCARfilms.

XCARfilms ~ real-world car reviews, car history and jokey stuff~ 228k+ subscribers ~ never done automation ~ english.

they are UK based, nerdy car guys that know how to have a laugh and fun.
Kudos on bringing Matt Farah on board btw… that’s how i found out about you!