Help Needed: Which YouTube Channels Do We Contact?

Etalyx - Everything(lots of early access & such) - 142,xxx - No - English

He does all kinds of early access and stuff and would probably give automation a try. He tends to be quite positive and I think alot of people watch his channel to see games they wouldn’t otherwise have known about.

SpeirsTheAmazingHD - wide variety of games - 549,xxx - No - English

Speirs is a nice guy, and judging by a few of his videos he is a bit of a car guy. He drives a Charger SuperBee so yeah… :stuck_out_tongue:

Other than that, I know Robbaz has been mentioned but I’ll mention him again because you HAVE to get that guy to review this game. Seriously, Everything that guy touches turns to gold. He can take the most boring game and make it hilarious.

I also think that given his style of videos that his subs are much more likely to watch a game they wouldn’t know about or be normally interested in because he can make anything hilarious. So it would help to bring the game to people who might not normally have paid any interest to it… I know personally, I watch anything Robbaz does even if I don’t like the game because its still entertaining.

What about people here that’ve been around since very early on? I have a youtube channel for let’s plays of strategy games and was planning on doing one for this prior to the steam release (without realising there was an embargo) - is it being said that I won’t be allowed due to not having enough subscribers?

@Drake: Etalyx is a good call, I added him to the list, exactly the kind of channel we are looking for here. Regarding SpeirsTheAmazingHD, he’s on my list already :slight_smile: I am pretty sure Robbaz will do one or more videos on Automation, we’ve prepared for him some special things too :wink:

@Miganto: There is no embargo for the public version of the game, that is just for the closed beta. We invite people with enough reach to take an early look so that they can be prepared once the game launches, which is common practice. To get a free press key that gives you access to the dev builds you need to have an audience large enough. The reason for that is simple. Amazing, super-and-game-enthusiast audiences give something close to 1% conversion rate. That would be 10 copies sold per 1000 unique views. Normal gaming channel conversion rates would be well below that. So you see, we are no charity and considering our team size need to be efficient in getting the word out. That is why we would like to but CANNOT care about the small guys too much, it’s just not feasible for us.

Ah I see - you’re looking for the heavy hitters to send the game to for them to review (advertise), but I (with my small channel and current version of the game bought and played with) can still go ahead with let’s plays but under the knowledge that I am using an ‘old’ live build not including the new shinies you have put on your youtube channel?

Why do I get the feeling this is slightly sarcastic?

The problem with written communication is you miss the nuances you get with verbal comms to properly work out how the message was intended.
Agreed it could be viewed as sarcasm but equally it could be genuine in intent.
I’ve been on both ends of this kind of misunderstanding before now

Honestly I am not, i’m not very good at communicating in typing/text.

I think it’s a great idea to go through the big hitters to advertise, it makes sense. I just want to clarify that I am ok using the old ‘live’ version or not, as I don’t want to cause issues showing a version that’s isn’t ‘release’ - I am unsure as to whether that means wait until the steam version or if the version we can currently use is classed as ‘live’ and ok to use on my channel.

Fair enough.

Anything the people who have bought the game have access to is fair game at any point, no worries there!

I wouldn’t say that we are only inviting the heavy hitters, those are the easiest to find though. I have several channels on my list with less than 1000 subscribers. In no way can that be considered big and I would say that is directly corresponding to what you advocate: giving the little ones a bite too. We primarily aim at the medium sized channels between 10k and 150k subscribers though, as they usually both have the audience and a bit more time for indies in general.

Excellent - I initially took what was said as that they would have the opportunity to post videos and those not invited by yourselves would not. Thank you for clearing it all up for me (and hopefully others! :slight_smile:)

I think what you are doing is an excellent use of current media formats.

Apologies if the way I put forward my thoughts caused annoyance.

The one thing i’m seeing that is somewhat missing from the current list is some streamers. Twitch has kind of surpassed youtube in growth in the past 6 months or so in my eyes, anyone have some twitch personalities that might be willing to give it a go?

Only person I’ve come up with that might even be a possibility is, as he is somewhat into cars, and streams a ton so is always looking for new stuff.

Sevadus Varied 323,747 no english

Some nice Youtube strategy channels. I like strategy and I like this game, so I think others might like this game as well, whom also watch these channels.

Pewpewchewchew (english)

DiplexHeated (english):

And a favourite of mine, but I doubt he will see this game as fitting to his channel, The Reformist (english): … ifIioiTNXQ

Also Lazy Game reviews might be seriously interested. He is into the tycoon games and has a large number of subscribers, however I would advice him for the final product when the tycoon game is there (

has anyone mentioned this guy - ? 30k subs/ English

he’s into managment games, Automation would be right at home

Pewpewchewchew and DiplexHeatedHD are now added to the list, OfficialStuffPlus was already on it :slight_smile:

I had another suggestion.

Quill18 - Strategy/Tycoon/Roguelikes - 213,xxx - No - English

He does many strategy games and some tycoon games. He was one of 3 Youtubers that were apart of the ParadoxCon live stream for Cities: Skylines and HOI4. I think he would be a good reviewer once the Tycoon aspects are implemented.

Yes, he’s on the list already :slight_smile: should not be missed.

WildKarrde - Varied, Strong Focus on Auto Games - 302 - Yes - English

I don’t meet the requirements at all, but figured I’d throw it out there just because I’d love to help. I have low subscribers, but I get nearly 40,000 views a month, I’ve uploaded 52 Automation video’s, and my most popular Automation video has 22,600 views. Most of my video’s don’t have commentary, but it’s something I’m looking into developing a bit more. Here’s my Automation playlist. … 9_Ku4vRMEa

Yes, have seen your channel and considering how much Automation content you produce this might even be viable :slight_smile: you really need to take up (and then practice) the commentary part, people are so easy to make bored nowadays! Also, commentary makes people stick with channels & subscribe.


Yes, have seen your channel and considering how much Automation content you produce this might even be viable :slight_smile: you really need to take up (and then practice) the commentary part, people are so easy to make bored nowadays! Also, commentary makes people stick with channels & subscribe.[/quote]

I actually have an alternative voice character I’ve been developing for then the pickup body style is available. :smiley:

Will be doing normal voice stuff too, though, lol.

What about TC9700Gaming. He does alot if simulator car games like spinntires and forza. He also has over 360k subscribers. … pp=desktop