Here is what "Old body penalty on saftey" IRL

That car is mexican, they don’t sell the Tsuru here at all, also why hadn’t I seen the notification before?

The Tsuru looks like a late 80’s to 90’s sentra

While there is merit to what they are saying, this video was made in the days of anti suv propaganda. If you look at the bottom of the car it is still massivly deformed. Any wreck with a significantly heavier car at a significant speed and impact would have done the same.

They did miss the A-pillars collapsing sideways significantly with the initial roll over which then got straightened when it settled.

Honestly I expected a lot better from the old Tsuru because the weight difference is just 200lbs between the two cars.

I think what people mean when they say “They don’t build them like they used to” about older cars is directed more towards quality and reliability rather than structural rigidity. That said, some people do mistakenly think the old land-barges are safer than today’s cars. In reality it’s only skin-deep. They look a lot tougher than today’s egg-shell plastic coated cars, but people don’t see what’s under the skin; and that’s what matters. I still stand by the fact that today’s cars are significantly less reliable and less durable than the Japanese cars of the 80’s to the late 90’s. That’s my experience with Nissans and Toyotas of that era.

That said… I think the old Tsuru has a purpose, and it’s a car I still like. The GA16DE engine is legendary for its reliability, and the car costs less than the equivilent of $7,500usd new from the factory. Yes, it isn’t a safe car for a serious crash… but it’s a good vehicle in all other respects.

Sometimes crash “safety” makes me scratch my head though. I’m sure you’ve all seen the videos of a Lada crash where there’s nothing left of the car and the driver flies out of the windshield, only to jump up and be completely unharmed. I swear getting ejected from your car saves people more than it hurts them… and I feel that the Lada designers knew that because their windshields magically pop out if you barely touch something. :stuck_out_tongue:


Im sure you all already know about the bitching i’ve done about my family’s car choices. Ghr datsun go+. A car that literally has 0 safety… I think a 59 bel air would only be ever so slightly worse than the datsun

The thing is, modern cars are meant to have a very rigid passenger cell and somewhat soft crumple zones, all carefully designed using several different, stronger types of steel, however adding more metals to the alloy doesn’t make the steel heavier, meaning that you can have steels that are five stronger than others while weighing the same. The crumple zones should absorb the impact, diminishing the rate of deacceleration that the body goes through. What kills people in crashes is that their bodies slow down way too suddenly, either because they hit a solid object, like the steering column, or because it was simply too fast and the internal organs couldn’t cope. That’s why seatbelts do save so many lives, because they make it a lot less likely for the person to hit the dashboard, steering wheel or other hard points of the car, something that is complemented by airbags.

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Yeah, I know the concept, and it certainly works… but I still have to laugh at the comically unsafe cars that end up saving their drivers, and at times the driver is a lot better off than if he would have been in a safety cage of a modern car. It’s all the same idea though… he flew out of his car and so he had a nice soft deceleration.

I wonder if we’ll ever get to the time where cars will be fitted with military grade 0-0 ejection seats for the ultimate in safety. It’s a grand concept… until you crash under a bridge. Then it becomes morbidly funny. Pardon my sick sense of humor.

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Or you eject withput the chute opening…terminal velocity anybody?

Don’t buy cars with Takata chutes :stuck_out_tongue:
They either won’t open, or they’ll over-do the ejection booster and give you a spinal compression upon take-off.

Yeah… I’m taking this too far. It’s funny and all… but something similar to what I mentioned with the bridge has happened in reality. Remember the F-104 Starfighter where everything was an issue? Well it had down-ward firing ejection seats. Germany decided to have F-104s carrier-borne… which is a suicidal thought in itself. Well… there was a case where the ejection seat fired while the plane was on deck. The pilot did not survive. I still don’t know if the carrier sustained any damage though.

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Scariest thing on the world when your main chute doesnt open properly i hate cutting rigging in free fall

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