I am sorry if this has been offered up already … But one idea i had is to be able to put money is tech so it will make engine parts machined better or better quality metals … Kinda to go along with innovation of new techs that is if you are trying to be a high end type manufacturer … I did hear that mentioned somewhere I think … Also when the game all comes together make development very expensive that way you are more apt to use carry over engines and mild refreshes on cars instead of complete redesigns all the time… Also multiple lines of autos such example VW and Audi. Also relies on chassis sharing or global chassis to keep costs down… Also autoshows would be great also to create buzz about upcoming cars or buzz around your company… Of coarse autoshows would be expensive as well so its not a give me … I have lots of ideas and i know its easier to type than do… And If these have been addressed my bad…
Good thoughts, basically all the things you have suggested are planned already in fact, although we’re not sure if there will be Autoshows yet.