Just a few ideas

so im not sure if any of these things are on the list for dev already but some things I would like to see in the game

hemi (I’m american so this is a big thing lol)
diesel options (also a redneck so diesel trucks are a big deal :slight_smile:)
v6, v10, v12, I3, I5
motorcycles? ( so single cylinders, v twins, and v4)

and thats all I can think of at the moment.

I will do my best to answer this…

Hemi - Might happen…have to wait and see
Diesel - as of now, Not happening needs a different game engine to run it I meant game calculations xD thanks Absolution for correcting me :slight_smile:
v6, v10, v12, I3, I5 - those are already on their way - youtube.com/watch?v=MjkHcSB5-NA
motorcycles - Extremely unlikely to happen…since its a car game not a motorbike game

I did my best to answer this if one of the Devs could verify this please…

HEMI is a type of cylinder head not a type of engine - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemi please read
Diesels require a completely diffrent type of calculation, not a diffrent game engine - Juno get your shit straight :stuck_out_tongue:
every possible engine configuration - keep your panties on and wait
motorcycles … really? ok, they are cool in their own way, but a V16 sounds better

Especially one made of motorcycle engines… youtube.com/watch?v=ClGtSj2iLeU
But yeah, won’t happen ; (

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: God above KillRob…that is the kind of sounds that Scientists make to create Volcano eruptions…if you drive a car with THAT engine through Yellowstone your gonna set it off!!


Especially one made of motorcycle engines… youtube.com/watch?v=ClGtSj2iLeU
But yeah, won’t happen ; ([/quote]

i approve and give to your approval one thing called Mavis - youtube.com/watch?v=DruAUxV9kaI

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: Thats Thor God of Thunder and Mars the God of War having a fight to the death while being roared at by Kronos while Zeus and Hades fights with Kronos…

that engine doesnt do quiet…IT SHOUTS YOU TO DEATH!