Kei Cars. From Production to Race day

With Kei cars becoming popular for city commutes thanks to decreased taxes the design and construction of a kei car for commercial success becomes increasingly popular.

Kei cars have a legal maximum size of 660cc and restricted to 47kw.

x 660cc
x 47kw Max
x Max Fuel: Premium 95
x Maximum Emissions: 150
x Max loudness: 50
x Max speed of 145km/h
x Max Cost $5,000
x Maximum production units: 140

x Must get at least 50mpg(US)
x Max loudness: 50

x Minimum Driveability 40
x Minimum Reliability 70
x Minimum Safety 50

With your cars in production and gaining popularity several cars show up in Kei Car Amature Cup events. Increasing popularity and prestige you have the option of entering the Kei Car Pro-Cup.

660cc Maximum
Minimum Engine Reliability 50
Maximum Cost $25,000
Minimum safety 40

The following parts can be changed for the race version.
Body may have arch flares.
Panel Material.
Grilles, Vents, Wings, Bonnet, Exhaust, Lips

Valves (but not head type), VVL, Crank, Conrods, Pistons, Compression, Cam, VVL, VVT, Intake, Fuel Type, Fuel Mixture, Ignition Timing, RPM Limit, Exhaust Diameter, Catalytic Converter, Mufflers.

Top Speed, Spacing, Differentials, Tyre Choice, Parameters, Rim Material, Pad Type, Size, Undertray, downforce, Active Aero, Aero Inclination, Cooling Airflow, Brake Airflow, Seats, Type, Entertainment, Driver assists, (Safety) Type, Springs*, Dampers, Sway Bars, Tuning and lastly Ride Height.

*Springs limited to Standard or Progressive Unless the homologation vehicle came with Hydropneumatic Active sport or Active comfort

Between Events: Downforce, Aero Inclination, Cooling and Brake Airflow, Suspension Tuning.

If its not explicitly listed above it cannot be modified or changed.(feel free to ask though)

Shakedown day at the Automation Test Track is in two weeks, teams may wish to publish their times on the test track before then.

The Full race schedule is as follows:
Round 1: Laguna Seca
Round 2: Daytona Sports Course
Round 3: Circuit of the Americas
Round 4: Sonama raceway
Round 5: Streets of Detroit
Round 6: Albert Park (Double Points Round)

(ive been on the fence about starting a challenge/tournament for a few months now, feel free to chime in with any holes/problems you may find with the rules.)

With that, Good luck and have fun!

Great, I was hoping for something like this!

Just one thing: top speed restriction may interfere with other things as we’d have to limit that by gearing or drag, as we don’t have electronic speed limiters.

Other questions:

[ul]]Seat number limitations?/:m]
]Maximum wheelbase limitations?/:m]
]Maximum wheel width limitations?/:m][/ul]

[quote=“Sixarfor”]With Kei cars becoming popular for city commutes thanks to decreased taxes the design and construction of a kei car for commercial success becomes increasingly popular.

Kei cars have a legal maximum size of 660cc and restricted to 47kw.

x 660cc
x 47kw Max
x Max Fuel: Premium 95
x Maximum Emissions: 150
x Max loudness: 50
x Minimum Reliability: 50
x Max speed of 145km/h
x Max Cost $5,000
x Maximum production units: 140

x Must get at least 50mpg(US)
x Max loudness: 50

x Minimum Driveability 40
x Minimum Reliability 70
x Minimum Safety 50

Which one is it? :wink:

Also, what is the year? (assuming 2015)

For those of us that use numbers that make more sense (joke :stuck_out_tongue: )

47kW = 63 Strops (A.K.A. Horsepower)
660cc = 40.275 Cubic Inches
145kph = 91MPH
95 RON = 90.3 AKI

I know the octane one isnt really needed since OP listed “Premium” as well which I REALLY like (compared to someone just listing 95 etc) since I hate having to convert things or switch my options to numbers that dont make sense to me.

hey, blasters, how about the 50 USMPG too? :stuck_out_tongue:

(It’s less than 4.70L/100km)

[quote=“strop”]hey, blasters, how about the 50 USMPG too? :stuck_out_tongue:

(It’s less than 4.70L/100km)[/quote]

I said numbers that make MORE sense ([size=50]to me[/size]) :stuck_out_tongue:

Off track a bit but I find it difficult to think in L/100km, I find it much easier knowing how far I can go (MPG) instead of how much I need to go so far (L/100km). Plus the math is MUCH easier to figure out when you fill up with MPG.

If you have a goal, a destination, the l/100km is more logical. You know how far, thus you know how much fuel you need.
If you are just out for a cruise, then MPG is better, you know how far you get on what you have in the tank.
Or it’s just what you are used to think in, that makes sense. :wink:

This right there, that is the biggest part. Also why I still fail miserably at metric, yes it may be more “logical” compared to my “sixty three sixty fourths” (63/64 of an inch) but damnit that is what I grew up with and have always used.

Ok back on topic, we do need a bit of clarification on these rules, everything is a bit vague, costs, year, reliability etc. I tend to find challenges that limit you on a lot of options to REALLY limit my creativity, just give 5-6 restrictions and the thing flows much better and you as the host dont get 20 carbon copies.

Try As i might, The cheapest i could get while fulfilling all the requirements is $8500. Even then my safety rating is only 40. $5000 Bucks Just isn’t enough to make a car with all these requirements.

[quote=“Sixarfor”]x Max Cost $5,000

If Max Cost is Total Cost. This is impossible.
If Max Cost is Material Cost. This is doable, but not fun.

If Max Cost is Total Cost. This is impossible.
If Max Cost is Material Cost. This is doable, but not fun.[/quote]

Agreed, I tried to make a car for this and found it impossible. 6500 - 7500 (total cost) would be a better and more easily achieved figure.

I was able to fulfill the requirements with a Material Cost of ~5600 and a Total Cost ~7800. This is HARD to do cheaper (then again I’m new here and a newb).

No, you’re not being a noob, it really is impossible to achieve an overall cost less than 5000 (I think) with the other requirements. Believe me, I’ve tried.


No, you’re not being a noob, it really is impossible to achieve an overall cost less than 5000 (I think) with the other requirements. Believe me, I’ve tried.[/quote]

I think the main problem is that safety rating. Since the cars are produced in 2015 (I’m guessing) all lightweight / Hatchback body styles’ safety are penalised because of how old they are.


No, you’re not being a noob, it really is impossible to achieve an overall cost less than 5000 (I think) with the other requirements. Believe me, I’ve tried.

I think the main problem is that safety rating. Since the cars are produced in 2015 (I’m guessing) all lightweight / Hatchback body styles’ safety are penalised because of how old they are.[/quote]

It doesn’t say anywhere it has to be a hatchback :wink: I used the S2000 style body to make a sporty kei car.

So did I. It still counts it as old in 2015, and thus I get a safety penalty.

Wait, timeout…pause

Max Cost $5,000[/quote]


Maximum Cost $25,000[/quote]


Maybe $5000 is for just the engine. $25000 for the entire car?

The 25k is for the racing series. The original car still needs to be 5k or less, which is why I haven’t made an entry yet: it’s impossible.

I’m failing only at emissions, and…yeah, I don’t really know how to make it better