I searched already and didn’t see a post by daffy/caswal.
Anyways, i’m like 99.999999999% sure I already saw a post by either of you well over a year ago that said something along the lines of “we can’t do kickstarter because…” but, I don’t know, maybe I’m just imagining things.
So, either way, i’d like to know if that is true, and if not, why you guys haven’t set up a Kick Starter yet. I have some ideas about the backers for those who already paid.
AFAIK Kickstarter is US/UK only at the given moment, so that’s the reason they aren’t on it.
We already did a crowdfunding campaign through rockethub a few years back, plus yeah, it’s not available to anyone outside the US/UK sadly.
KickStarter is dependent on advertisement.
This was a sad realization when I did my KickStarter (kickstarter.com/projects/cyn … ower-def-0)
Unfortunately, it will fail. Why? I didn’t have the reach.
And to be quite honest, those who know about Automation…know about it.
They already know how much it costs, and due to the fact that a lot of people have already purchased the automation game, it is unlikely that people will pour more money into it.
Yep, that’s what people tend not to realize, Kickstarter isn’t, itself, a great advertising platform. Its a way of people giving you money and you still need to do a lot of marketing to make it work.
As it is, we’ve already GOT a way of people giving us money
You should try Indiegogo
French website, but I can help you if you want Funds go on Paypal accounts
French? Its german for me… thats called dynamic language with CSS A website can readout what language your Browser/PC is using and based on that, it sets the homepage language to whatever yours is.
And as there already was the RocketHub Funding, and there are quite a lot of pre-orderers, i don’t think that there will be another funding campaign. Andrew & Cas probably knew how long they can live with the money they got and what they will get statistically.
There isn’t really any advantage in doing another crowdfunding campaign as compared to just continuing to sell the game as we are, crowdfunding isn’t the magic bullet it seems to be, and most of the backers would probably be people who just want to buy the game anyway, and why would they want to do it through a more complex crowdfunding site where they don’t get their game until the campaign is done, and we as developers see less of the money due to fees?
Wow, insanely true