King of the Hill

As of the next rallye, I (and Tom, Strop, and Stryfe) now make the rules. Evil laugh No loudness limit!

I am king now.

I tie Jakgoe’s neck to a Gryphon Gear Ascension parked 500m away from the hill and tell the driver to show me how fast it is, dragging Jakgoe around until he dies :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I’m the Evil King again

What EnryGT5 didn’t know was that I had freed Jakgoe from the insanity that is the Ascension, and he stabs Enry in retaliation. Jakgoe then let’s me rule the hill as a thank you for saving his life.

I’m King!

Me: Hi pleb!
Pleb: Enry aren’t you dead?
Me: Nope.
Pleb: Enry… what are you taking out of your pockets?
Me: A machinegun… thanks to the Animal Crossing huge pockets power i can even take a car out of them shoots pleb
I’m the new super king of the hill :smiley:

Doctor Who comes for his PockeTARDIS. (It’s bigger on inside)

While you fight, I take the hill

takes a bus out of his pockets and runs over Kubby and Doctor Who
Now that was easy, my pockets are invincible, i’m the king :laughing: :laughing:

Time for the thirteenth Doctor, I guess? The energy unleashed during The Doctor’s regeneration has obliterated Enry. I respawn, the Doctor takes the PockeTARDIS, wanders off to some unknown position in space and time, and I take the hill.

I get bored of being killed and turn into a Super Saiyan, destroying the hill with a Kamehameha, i’m the King of the Crater! :laughing: :laughing:

I tell Enry that he should start a King of the Crater thread if he wants to be king of that. I then find a new hill and declare myself King!

The hill that Pleb is on is not the real hill, therefore he is not king. I rebuild the real hill, and declare myself king.

I use Bitcoins to buy hill from Jakgoe. Hill is mine (also, it’s value doubled).

-Zejdż z tej góry, zrób miejsce dla prawdziwego kozaka! - I say. Kubastach, surprised by hearing (reading?) the native language, slips and falls of the hill. I am the king of the hill.

I send Kubby to some Manx lessons (My country’s language).

After the lessons, he is able to read this: Yn ree noa. (I am King.)

I remind Pleb to stop imagining that he owns a country, and that he also does not own the hill… I do.

Under a local By-Law the hill can not technically be “owned” under the regional hillside protection agreement. The squatter Jakgoe is removed by police.

I am the regional manager for parks and hills. My Hill!

I land on Absurdist with an helicopter :laughing: :laughing: My Hill LOL

I sabotage the tail rotor of EnryGT5’s helicopter. The next time he takes off in it, he goes flying into an uncontrollable death spin, and crashes in a rather large fireball.

My hill.

Unluckily the fireball sets the hill’s vegetation on fire, forcing Jakgoe to flee, my remains claim the hill! :smiley:

Since Absurdist is the regional manager for parks and hills, he was held responsible for the overgrowth of flammable vegetation on the hill. After being tried for manslaughter, he decided to kill EnryGT5 before he went off to prison to serve his life sentence.

No one is king of the hill.

I walk up the hill and plant my flag, My hill :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: