Mille Monti 1953 [PROCESSING]

Only two days until voting is closed gotta say im pumped to see where this ends up


Iā€™m really wondering how youā€™re going to produce this. I canā€™t imagine all the cars will be featured in the video. There are about 280 cars. Even if thereā€™s a video per class, thatā€™s still about 20-30 cars per category.

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Popcorn and make it a movie night :sweat_smile:


I so excited to see the next part i know im being a little impatient but was wondering for any sort of ETA on the next video for this glorious event


Do we have any information on the next stage of the event? Itā€™s surely a huge undertaking, but itā€™s been almost 2 weeks since voting closed and there hasnā€™t been an update since.


Anyone gotten a lifesign from Der Bayer? :man_shrugging:


I think DerBayer.exe stopped working because of system overload. Too many entriesā€¦


On one of Der Bayerā€™s recent streams on YouTube, he stated that recently his work was very stressful and has not been able to make progress on the challenge. While it may feel discordant to watch them do something other than the challenge, please remember we are all human with ā€˜normalā€™ lives. Iā€™m sure everyone has had a time in their life when they had big plans for fun and ambition, then real life gets in the way. Or maybe you just donā€™t feel the magic and vision like you did before. It happens. The challenge isnā€™t going anywhere and there are still plenty of opportunities to express your automotive creativity on the automation forum.


Oh yeah, he should take the time he needs.
I imagine it takes a lot of time to check every car if itā€™s legal and than to check the times and make the rankings.


Hey there, sorry for the lack of communication. As mentioned by Snarklz, I was a bit overwhelmed with work in general (business trips etc.) and real life stuff happening that I didnā€™t feel like working on the Mille Monti. Most of the stuff is out of the way now and I am looking forward to more progress, although I cannot yet give and estimate when I have the design vote results video ready. Iā€™d prefer to make it at a quality that I feel comfortable with (without overdoing it) rather than rushing it. Thanks for your understanding and patience! :slight_smile:


Just checking in to see how everything is goi g and to see if there are any updates no rush just curious