More Suggestions!

Hello guys ! I recently baught this game and i find it just amazing . but to enchance the awesomeness i believe that engine temperature , and lubrication must be added. Plus radiator systems ! Diesel fuel would be really good . The option to drive/test the vehicle would be just phenomenal! I wish you guys lots of luck!


I believe, these things have been discussed on the forum.
Radiator systems will be included with the car designer update next year. Lubrication options are complex to simulate, but wouldn’t add too much fun, so most likely they won’t be added anytime. Diesel engines will be addded as a DLC after release and test driving is currently under consideration (maybe they will make an Rfactor export tool).

More info from the devs can be found in this topic:

Thank you very much for your attention guys! I didn’t know you were only two guys! What you have done is great , r factor support would be a miracle.
More suggestions , I believe that an increase in maximum rev limit would be awesome , think of sports-cars , and high-tech racing such as F1.

I can’t wait to design my first vehicle…

Also consider:
1.Two-stroke engines
2.ECU mapping
3.pneumatic valves for more RPM
4.we should be able to apply load on the engine while in test mode