Can we, at some point in the future, have keybinds for moving a car around in the scenery. I’m finding that using the mouse it only moves a tiny amount each time.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
Can we, at some point in the future, have keybinds for moving a car around in the scenery. I’m finding that using the mouse it only moves a tiny amount each time.
Thanks and keep up the great work!
I’ve trained myself to click on the vehicle so it has the directional icon above then I can click (in the area of the vehicle’s roof) and drag it to the location desired.
D’oh! I feel such a pollock now.
Didn’t realise that.
The direction icon controls are clunky though. Camera controls with WSAD and vehicle movement with the arrow keys would make sense and wouldn’t be too much of a hassle to implement.
Then we’re basically driving the car. Automation racing game confirmed!!