Multiplayer Modes

Hello, i saw this video ( ), everything is awesome, but i really like the actual “live” MP mode not boring leaderboard, with scenarios.Also the Factory Challenge Mode sounds cool, but i think is more interesting and interactive with pricing (like the ctc).Is more intersting to see that your decisions have more impact on the game.

The actual “live” multiplayer would be cool and all if there were enough people playing, which is not the case and cannot be guaranteed after launch. We’d rather have a MP mode that is well populated, otherwise what is the point of it all with almost no competition? That’s the reasoning for it.

Yes, that’s true, but what about pricing your own car in the last game mode?

That remains to be seen, if we can get that to work properly then why not? :slight_smile:

If I understood correctly, is he referring to a capaign mode in multiplayer? Because that would be a huge shame if that wont be implemented. I sure hope that will be in. A bit like OpenTTD, run your company and compete with others :smiley:

We’re talking about the factory multiplayer mode coming with the Steam release.

Will the current type of engine multiplayer stay?

That is a good thing. Thanks for clearing it up :slight_smile:

That’s what i was saying! I find that mp mode awesome!

Yeah, there will be engine multiplayer and complete car multiplayer :slight_smile:

honestly i can’t wait for those race track multiplayer challenges