Multiple suggestions

Types of paint. Gloss, matte, etc
See your car on the ground, take it off the jack, maybe have some backgrounds for taking pictures, maybe include a greenscreen
And finally, see the ride height on your car as its adjusted.

May post more…

[quote=“TofuWarrior”]Types of paint. Gloss, matte, etc
See your car on the ground, take it off the jack, maybe have some backgrounds for taking pictures, maybe include a greenscreen
And finally, see the ride height on your car as its adjusted.

May post more…[/quote]

  1. There will be a big color selector with more than 16 million colors available in the next big update. Matte and gloss wont make it in yet, but eventually later on when the devs use the new game engine.
  2. Whats the purpose of taking it off the jack? For pictures I understand, but it doesn’t add to the gameplay value anyway. The change of backdrops will probably eventually be possible, and for a greenscreen-like photo, you can press the ~ button (called grave, for most people just left of ‘1’ on the keyboard) and type HideBuildings() . Then making a photo will give you a blank screen in the back of the car.
  3. Has been spoken about before. Might eventually make it, but not anytime soon as this is detailed stuff that surely adds to the gameplay feel and look, but not to the gameplay itself as in making this game more interesting and better to play.

Before you suggest anything more, make sure you check out Killrobs Little Dev Updates and look around the forum in other threads. A LOT and I really mean A LOT has been suggested before :slight_smile:

Hope this answers it all for you.

Actually some of the technical stuff for visible ride height is almost done, it just needs some bug fixes and tweaks :slight_smile:


I didn’t know that! Awesome! Where’s our Little Dev Update on that?!

I’ll make a Little Dev Update today, but there are bigger things to talk about :wink:

I was wondering when we could get the visible ride height, and to read this is awesome! I look forward to it. :slight_smile:


For the taking off the jack purpose, sometimes you can’t tell if you have something exactly right unless you can see how it sits on the ground.

I think you’ll just have to go from what the car looks like from the air, as I don’t think there is anything regarding the simulation of weight on the suspension, and knowing the Devs, they’ll want to pay such close attention to detail that the game will never be finished.

Another suggestion, maybe allow saving before the car is finished? I’ve lost cars due to not being able to finish them.

In the next update, everything is autosaved every time you make a change, so no more losing cars to crashes! :slight_smile:

You know what would be cool; this is a bit much but maybe something for version 1.0.

Have the car sitting on a dyno machine and when you press start it will do a dyno test on the car when not in track mode.
If this is done maybe we can get wheel horsepower calculations then the engine hp would be bhp.

Maybe it’s been suggested, I didn’t look it up, that’s also why I didn’t make a new thread.


[quote=“bundyaxl”]You know what would be cool; this is a bit much but maybe something for version 1.0.

Have the car sitting on a dyno machine and when you press start it will do a dyno test on the car when not in track mode.
If this is done maybe we can get wheel horsepower calculations then the engine hp would be bhp.

Maybe it’s been suggested, I didn’t look it up, that’s also why I didn’t make a new thread.[/quote]

What does that change on the way the game works? It would add very little to the game, for a big amount of work.
There are some live data graphs coming, you could see how that works on the latest dev video.

This doesn’t change the way the game works.

I’m just more commenting on the earlier idea of taking the car off the stand and have backgrounds.

I’m not saying this is top priority to add to the game, clearly you don’t like the idea.

But I will say this, a game needs some aesthetic too.
I don’t think having engine graphics and animations changes game play for example.
All of that could be done with just the stats and sliders on the bottom of the screen.
Same can go for the car designer since the looks of the car won’t be considered for sales demand. Just the extra time it takes to arrange some lights and grills for apparently no reason?

I would disagree since this is a big part that makes this game good.

In the tycoon mode, will the car designer background stay the same?
Will there be any graphics to show the inside of factories?
Or any graphics to show dealerships?

If we have nice graphics for engines and cars and the rest of the tycoon part of the game is just lists and graphs then I will be a little bit disappointed.

It doesn’t have to be too crazy, but at least a dealership background where you have all your cars on display. Personally I think Camshaft Software will do more than we expected. Having the car run on a dyno just to basically see the tires spin and make the engine exhaust note. Maybe put some black smoke in for the low quality cars and some flames for sports cars.

And I seen the dev update, I watch those right away, jonzing for the next one now actually.
And the new graphs do look great. Don’t get me wrong, I love graphs, but it can’t be all graphs.
I was thinking the engine designer should have some more live updates. Like when you change the compression for example it will show you the octane rating for the engine automatically somewhere when you adjust the settings. And maybe show hp/tq, some of the main stats live.

Just sayin


And I seen the dev update, I watch those right away, jonzing for the next one now actually.
And the new graphs do look great. Don’t get me wrong, I love graphs, but it can’t be all graphs.
I was thinking the engine designer should have some more live updates. Like when you change the compression for example it will show you the octane rating for the engine automatically somewhere when you adjust the settings. And maybe show hp/tq, some of the main stats live.

Just sayin[/quote]

First off, I like most of the ideas you stated in a creative way. Yes all those features are cool and neat but what do they bring to the game? How many times will you use the " dyno " ? With the backgrounds, I feel this could be done but for now let’s let the debs finish v1.0 all the neat features can come afterwards.

However I do really like this bit about compression and RON ratings, with all the new graphs coming I wouldn’t be surprised if that hasn’t already been done though.

There will be a lot more graphics in terms of different factories, a view of your facility as a whole etc.

Hopefully one day we’ll also be able to do a 3d test track too (but thats a long way off)

It’s just not worth our time investment to make a car dyno mode though, as all it’d tell you nothing that the engine dyno didn’t already (besides a percentage of transmission loss). No matter how pretty it might be, it just doesn’t have any kind of gameplay reason for existing, and so we’d rather focus on all the things still left to do that ARE important to gameplay.

well said Daffy :smiley:

kinda interested in what this will look like.

What I don’t understand is how people miss that there already IS a car dyno graph in the game :s

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[quote=“bundyaxl”]You know what would be cool; this is a bit much but maybe something for version 1.0.

Have the car sitting on a dyno machine and when you press start it will do a dyno test on the car when not in track mode.
If this is done maybe we can get wheel horsepower calculations then the engine hp would be bhp.

Maybe it’s been suggested, I didn’t look it up, that’s also why I didn’t make a new thread.[/quote]

You already HAVE that in the transmission window though, you cant have brake HP without the transmission selected so why make you go BACK to the engine designer to see brake HP? As of now you only get a drop in HP with auto vs manual, take a look and you will see :wink: