My Car Ordering Process & Ports

I have ordered a new car and want to share my experience and also give suggestions on some parts of Automation. When I placed the order, the dealer sends it to the car manufactor and the manufactor usually places the order to the factory order bank to the end of the month. 30 days later, I get 3 dates for production guess, actual, and week of production. After tht, they keep the car in factory production stock for about 30 days. Then the car gets shipped by train to the port. The port then process the car and 14 days later, the car is shipped by boat. Takes 2 weeks. By then, the port close to me gets the car, preps the car for truck or train delivery. Takes about 2-3 days for port prep. Well I hope tht some of the processes of car ordering or shipping cars from ports gives some ideas for automation to make the game more interesting and more interactive.

Happy Gears,

I will post pics of the process too !

My ordered car fell of the ship so Pictures will have to wait to I get things straighten out. Thanks to patiences! :frowning:

Are you serious right now ? XD That sucks, what are the odds :stuck_out_tongue:

How did it fall of the ship? :open_mouth: What kind of car was it?

rough seas, car wasn’t strapped good and went overboard. sucks but i get a new one again. It Was a Audi.

Found this thread when looking for more info on shippin in the game. Sorry to hear about you losing your car Mercy. It reminded me of this:

Damn that sucks.

Regarding the original topic. I think that the most basic model are usually “mass produced” or let say, delivered to the dealers warehouse and you can get those very quickly after order.

More top of the line models are usually built after order and then you’ll have to wait for a long time and that time depends also where the car is shipped (how long is the distance? Is there tolls? Etc.)

There is also many manufacturers mostly on premium market that builds cars only after order. Fex. Volvo and if I have understood right Audi also. I’m guessing most of the premium manufacturers do the same because you can customize your vehicle heavily.

This would be something nice to balance with within the game but since the game doesn’t offer chance to have options or different spec levels and optional engines per model I don’t know how to recreate this in the game.