Organising engines in folders


I’d like to suggest some way of organising your engines, as it is annoying to scroll through when you have lots! :slight_smile:
Maybe you could add something like the engine archive that there used to be, again except it could be folders.
Or maybe some other way of grouping engines together.


this was what i said months ago too.

[quote]Another point is glossing over or split into folders ( by grouping the engine´s capacity or number of pistons, for example) when you have saved many engines can be a little chaotic.

An example:

viewed folder, click for access:________________________________________________and list:

Folder 1---------- Inline 4 -----------0.0L < 1.0L ---------------------------------------------------- engine 1
----------------------------------------1.0L < 2.0L----------------------------------------------------- engine 2
----------------------------------------2.0L < 3.0L----------------------------------------------------- engine 3
----------------------------------------3.0L < 4.0L----------------------------------------------------- engine 4
Folder 2-------------Inline 6---------3.0L < 4.0L----------------------------------------------------- engine 5
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- engine 6
----------------------------------------4.0L < 5.0L---------------------------------------------------- engine 7
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- engine 8
Folder 3---------- V8-Cross ------ 4.0L < 5.0L----------------------------------------------------- engine 9
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- engine 10
--------------------------------------- 5.0L < 6.0L------------------------------------------------------ engine 11
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- engine 12

and more…

I think that visually would not be so chaotic and the engines would be better organized, It is better to see 10-15 folders or categories and go directly to the engine that you are looking for , and not to lose yourself in a list of 100 or more engines. Viewing it here can be a little chaotic, but it´s just a way to show it, really it can be like a windows´s explorer, for example.

In this way, the way to show the summary of each engine would save space, by not showing the capabilities and the type of engine.
If we want to compare the number of stock and number of each type of engines produced and sold, in this example, it would be limited to the folder or category in which we are, so perhaps it could give us the possibility to be displayed in another screen to analyze the complete list of engines. Or maybe we only want compare the ¨similar¨ engines for compare the most commercial of them.

It´s an option.

P.D. Excuse my english.