Piston Speed

My 3.1L engine i built has 100mm stroke and can rev up to 12000 rpm - that equals a mean piston speed of 40 m/s and insane strain for pistons, rods…Thats unrealistic, even for race engines.
The best value for “normal” car engine i know of is 25 m/s (Honda S2000), race engines get a bit faster, but even F1 engines stay below 30 m/s.Some Dragster engines might get a bit higher, but they dont have to last long…(My 3.1L still has 100MRevs).

I suppose they already take into account piston speed to calculate the life of an engine. Most of the players won’t know hw to use it properly and yhe way it is now I think is just easier to undestand.

Yes, we did think about piston speed, but we may trim it back to more like 35m/s at absolute maximum when we redo the engine designer calcs in the next few months

have to also look at the engine life, an f1 car could do 20k + rpm but its limited for FIA reasons and engine life, look at your engine you have built with 40ms and it will have a very low lifespan

I have - and 100MRevs would be waaay to high - but Daffy already said it will be changed :slight_smile:

100 MRevs at very high load in race conditions is different from 100 MRevs cruising around town though :smiley:
Well, no matter, no doubt we have to work on that aspect a bit.