Plant Designer (SUGGESTION) (and other suggestions)

Now, you might have already planned this, and if you did, I apologize for missing it.

In the description, you mention you can be a small, or a HUGE car manufacturer… So, this leads me to this…

in pretty much any tycoon game, you have to micro manage, as well as plan…

I would LOVE to see a Plant Designer (Not floral…but the manufacturing plant).

-Smaller Building which can be expanded on… and if you run out of space from expansions, a new building is required.

Various types of the same machines…

Example, (for simplicity), i’ll use a 3 tier(level) system…however I would like to see more.

Engine Builder lvl 1: Slowest of all builders, requires “Manual” labor(AI employees) to build (high variable in dependability)
Engine Builder lvl 2: Medium speed of all builders, requires Semi-Manual labor to build, and has a less variable in dependability.
Engine Builder lvl 3: Fastest of all builders. Fully automated, very SMALL variable in dependability.

Storage rooms(Warehouses) should also be a concern…

If my company is popping out 50 engines an hour… but i’m only selling 3 cars a day… Ya…stuff adds up.

If the ability to ‘sell’ parts is added, then this would open up a whole new side of things…

Maybe I dont want to make cars? I wanna make and sell high output engines? I can produce ONLY engines. Same goes for the chassis and bodies too.

In the ‘Car Designer’ where you can mold the vehicle, can you make it say…a bit more realistic? You are using a blue car… Most car designers sculpt their models in clay…

Even in today’s fully automated manufacturing process, there is still a chance for a Factory freak…

What is a factory freak? A slight change in the manufacturing process (more so engines) produce well above, or below the factories claimed hp/tq… This is a VERY small percentage, and isn’t “known” unless you do some form of testing…

Now, I also notice you plan on doing some form of motorsports…

It would be great to possibly have my company in my single player mode… compete against (points to you reading this’s) single player company… Save up the stats from it…wins…losses…durability loss…etc…

Now, all that information would be then given to me upon playing again… However, on the website, you can display the ‘Top Motorsports Company’, etc.

I know this is alot to take in, and some of which might possibly NEVER see production. But, since the game is still early on, I am passing on what I would personally like to see, and (to the developers) maybe you can spin off your own ideas from my…ideas.

Thanks for reading!

You will have individual buildings to produce engines and assemble cars, you’ll be able to upgrade them in both size (for just more production capacity) and tech level (for quicker production of higher tech, and the ability to produce higher tech stuff)

You should be able to sell excess engines, or even licence the designs out.

We thought about clay models for car design - It might be good, but I think it might just be annoying designing in clay and then turning it into paint - its something we might play with later and see if its good, but for now we are focused on getting the core functionality of the game done.

“Factory Freaks” do exist - but if we were to implement them in Automation, what difference would they make? if not every car has one, then what difference would it make to sales?

I like the idea of motorsport leaderboards etc. - We will shelve that for now, but if we make a motorsport expansion, it could be a good feature :slight_smile:

I have focused on lean manufacturing all summer and I would very much like to have the ability to optimize our production setup. Or you could add in an option for those of use who dont dream in 5S and the toyota production system to pay a consultant to optimize your plant(s).

It’d be cool, but right now we can’t afford any added complexity

I kind of figured. Unless you can talk the planville dev’s into setting you up with their “ok” plant designer.