After playing around lite campain, I feel that a good selection of platform is the key to success.
And it feels a little awkward that you can start a new platform right at it’s time.
What I would like to see is 2 type of Platform unlocking system for the full tycoon mode:
1.R&D, you need to decide what type of chassis (sedan,SUV,or MRroadster,etc.) you want to develope and take money on it, or be very familiar with such type of platform, then it well come to your selection as soon as possible. Otherwise you wouldn’t know how a next generation car would look like, untill your competitors have push it to market.
Basically, a more delicate R&D and familiarity system specifically on different car body
2.Purchase a license for existing platfrom, you could take license form a competitor (or cooperator, whatever…) who sell their platfrom with sited material, suspension and engine layout. It will save you a lot of time and money engineering a new car, but cost more license fees on each car you sold. Also, they won’t likely to sell you a platfrom before their own car based on this platfrom already on the market, and some type like a super\hyper car company may never share their platfrom.