Player Company Infuence on the World

I have looked for something like this in previous posts and found nothing that really answered this question. If I missed it I apologise.

The idea that there should be factors that influence the desirability and popularity of your cars has been covered in several posts. However I was wondering how this might play out in the other direction i.e. that your company might create a car that doesn’t fit in with majority opinion at the time but becomes a huge hit. The sort of thing that other companies scramble to clone and defines the image of your company and what people look for in cars for years to come. The main point being that the success, or lack there of, of a car should contribute to the growth or decline of certain markets. Taking the game beyond just playing through a real world history that anyone can stay ahead of by knowing what trends are coming before they happen. I guess the big question is how much can the players cars affect the world and individual regions within the game. Also I guess if players cars have this kind of world changing influence AI companies should probably do the same thing.

Any way keen for other thoughts and ideas.
Thanks to the devs for what we have so far!

I think it is hard to implement, because you cant really ‘rate’ aesthetics and thus let the AI copy your cardesign. Engine design is another thing, because you work with stats that give a certain absolute figure, but that doesnt work for aesthetics.

Another annoying thing about Detroit though was that you could plough enough money into research and invent and build hatchbacks before they were popular in the real world, but you could not even give the things away until the “right time” in the game.
Once that time had come you could sell your 10yr old stock.
It would be cool to be able to influence the buying public that hatches etc a good thing and develop a demographic