I’m no programmer, but would it be difficult to import an image file as a flat texture? It’d be simpler than a 3D logo, and still allow for a certain amount of individuality.
Nope, it basically needs to be a 3d model to deform properly around the car. Plus we still want to avoid the potential legal headaches that games like City of Heroes have had.
Ah, thanks anyway.
Could you make a tool to make our own badges, but some how make it impossible to distribute because of these ‘legal headaches’.
Could you make a tool to make our own badges, but some how make it impossible to distribute because of these ‘legal headaches’. [/quote]
i don’t remember when, but i did suggest pretty much the same thing, just a set of tools for making your own badge out of basic shapes
Made a thread about badges.
You can make some badge designs, upload and post them and if there is any good ones, Daffy considers to put them ingame! So try your luck!