Poll: What aspect of Automation are you most interested in?

Woohoo! Another Mechanical Engineering Student! I chose the same, also. I cannot wait for this game!

what i cant wait for is designing cars quickly to get them into a demanding market, like small ecoboxes for when theres an oil crisis etc…

Managing a Business

Wow that’s a hard one to ask, well for my part it was dream car company and engine design… but all of the options if I could.

All aspects really, but especially designing and styling cars!

Designing cars, definitely. I just can’t think of how many crazy combinations I could come up with :smiley:

I’d also add an 8th option - “modding the game”

Building engines and running a dream car company sounds the best to me :smiley:

I’m a nerd and would nerd myself with the engine designer!

I always liked the business aspect of “tycoon” games and building up your empire.

Designing the car and being able to build my own dream brand of cars, that’s why I’m interested.

There were a few racing games that tried to do this but they all fail on the most important part: DESIGNING IT!

I’m going to hope that this will let the business part run kind of on its own while I live in the shop making amazing cars. Of course that never works out in real life, which is why in real life there’s accounts there that turn perfectly sound engineering decisions into crappy accounting decisions (IE there should never be a head bolt, only studs, ever but bolts are cheaper).

Will interested shame a kingdom? Without the jacket stalls interested . The rain sings near the backlog. The technical domestic dies inside the justifiable undesirable.

Ahh Spam bots, I love you… :laughing:

That was pretty epic though :stuck_out_tongue: almost poetry haha.

We’re going to keep that because it’s too epic to delete XD.

I would say designing cars to be the most interesting thing.

Designing engines sounds very interesting as well, but I don’t know much about the inner workings of engines. That will be a challenging part of the game at the beginning. It will be interesting to learn more about it as time goes by. :slight_smile:

Time won’t have to go by for long until you grasp the aspects of engine design… it’s really well-explained in the game :slight_smile:

Thats actually one of the aspects Im looking forward to. Im not as knowledgeable about cars as Id like so this will be almost as much an educational tool as game.

Ok, itll be far more of a game but it wont hurt that Ill be learning how some of this stuff effects performance. :slight_smile:

Whilst it is a little simplified in places, the results are pretty damned realistic most of the time, so you could learn a lot :slight_smile:

We aim to make it easy to learn, even if you don’t know a great deal

Shame, there’s no option for “being able to do the interesting part of my job without having to fill out Excel spreadsheets and attend endless meetings”. Hopefully those parts aren’t intended for a later expansion pack…