Poll: What aspect of Automation are you most interested in?

Oh dang, it looks like you missed the announcement of the meeting simulator! :slight_smile::wink:

lol, Iā€™m super excited about the features ā€œToDo-Listā€ and ā€œboring power-point presentationā€ :smiley: That would be as horrible as comical :laughing:

That would be a fun sarcastic loading screen.

I wouldnā€™t mind getting skippable fiscal end-year powerpoints :stuck_out_tongue: with all kinds of bar graphs and pie charts about how well your company is doing.

Iā€™m coming into this as a player who is excited as hell about the game despite not being that educated on cars. Iā€™ve hung out with friends and family who are a lot and I love Top Gear but otherwise I am a complete car luddite. I love simulation gaming though so hopefully this game can make me learn how stuff works better!

Well I would select four but we can only select two so I choose Designing Cars and Building your dream car company

I choosed designing cars and trying to replicate a real manufacturer.
Perhaps a manufacturer with a side brand or two, something like "FIAT (standard cars) + Lancia (more elegance) + Alfa Romeo (more sport). Perhaps adding Abarth too (tuning FIAT models).
Iā€™d like to run a business too.

[quote=ā€œAlfaDaveā€]jono i thought u were a tester.
also alfisti come to live chat im sometimes in there i got a 156 20v.
most the guys in there like alfaā€™s being as they are drivers cars and any decent petrol head likes alfaā€™s apart from jonogit.
lol guys i may play jono up but i have him as a friend on xbox live so its not being nasty its just winding him up. before anyone takes it the wrong way. :p[/quote]

Iā€™m an Alfa owner too. Driving a Giulietta since january.

Join the IRC then :stuck_out_tongue:

I canā€™tā€¦
Thatā€™s the message the server shows me after my connection deny:
Closing link (mibbit@host113-88-static.106-82-b.busin ā€¦ mitalia.it) [G-Lined: Too many compromised hosts from this domain (*.business.telecomitalia.it)]
I will try in the weekend.

Such a shame :frowning:

Iā€™ve actually been drawing up models and engines (as well as a general ā€˜styleā€™) for a fictional car company in my spare time for yearsā€¦ Generally do it when I get bored, but when this game comes out, I may actually forget the meaning of boredom.


Just two options? That was hard, but I chose ā€œBuilding your dream car companyā€ and ā€œTrying to replicate a real manufacturerā€, but all of the other options are interesting to me in a car tycoon game.


Definitely designing engines!


I think Iam like everyone else and remember back to my school days when we used to all draw car designs in the back of our text books and argue which was best. :laughing:

So for me its designing the cars but iam crap starting from scratch so I guess I would need to modify a basic mule shape which will mean plenty of detail options.

Secondly the idea of experimenting with different engine combinations i.e.; petrol vs. diesel and different states of tune, turboā€™s or superchargers etc.

An estimated performance graph for each car design with top speed, acceleration and economy etc, like a road test magizine.

Finally comes the business aspect which I prob would eventually get round to after I had designed myself out, so to speak.

See I donā€™t want much, do I. :astonished: :smiley: :smiley:

All but ā€œBuilding wild and random carsā€ā€¦
but only two were allowed, Managing and Real Company were my topā€¦

I voted for ā€œDesigning carsā€ and ā€œDesigning enginesā€ because, well, thatā€™s what appeals to me the most :stuck_out_tongue: Running a car company is also of interest though, Iā€™m interested to see how that pans out. Really liking what Iā€™ve seen so far :smiley:

I voted for Designing Cars and Managing. I love tycoon games, especially ones that let you really create custom design (i.e. Rollercoaster Tycoon).

hi :slight_smile:
i choosed Design Enginesā€¦ I made a ranking for me :slight_smile:

1.-Designing Engines
2. Designing Cars
3. Styling Cars
4 .Managing a Business



Just preordered the game!

Awesome work what you did with the engine designer and what you have already shown in some videos.
It will be a very good game with this concept and if you keep up the good work :wink:.

If you need some help maybe for testing or just want to here my humble opinion on some features i would be glad too here from you by private massage :slight_smile:.

As I have worked for a game developing company before and had to do with testing I may could help you a bit if it is wished, also I am very interested in Cars and Engines what makes the thing very interesting.


My initial reaction was to say engine building, thatā€™s what drew me here really, but Iā€™m pretty interested in the over all package.