Poll: What aspect of Automation are you most interested in?

Building engines (I like small effective engine like 1.2 and 1.4 litre engines) and managing a business to compete with others.

ofcourse building engines and building my own carcompany :smiley:

Dude dude DUDE!!! Definitely designing engines… then cars… then company… so awesome. I’m very excited about this game.

Making a crappy awful hatchback with 5 bhp and then making it the best selling car in da world.

Right now i’m honestly only want the game because of the engine designer, but i’m really excited to see the full game running as a complete game, with all the things ronning together ;D

I find this entire package just great, I’m doing something not even in my free time just like professionally motor vehicle mechanic. The game is really the great.

Another thing that I really look forward to or am hoping for is realistic market management and car ratings.

I’d like to add that building a dream car company is great. I love the idea to design and build my own cars from the ground up. I feel however, that the business end of it should be simple. Simple doesn’t mean lacking depth, only that the management aspects are easy to get into. Mini-management is okay with me, macro-management is not. I mean, we already design our own engines and cars, the business end should be the simple part.

Well… I would’ve voted for all of them, but if I have to pick two of them:

  • Trying to replicate a real manufacturer
  • Designing Cars
  • Car Design
  • Engine Design
  • Brakes, Suspension, Radiator,Safety and Luxuries, like Detroit
  • Manufacturer Manager

Well… ALL THE THING, lol!

Designing engines gets my vote! However, I am looking forward to “resurrecting” some of my favorite cars which have been discontinued. :wink: Maybe I can figure out a way to make a business case for them even though the real manufacturers couldn’t. :geek:

Still looking forward to the car design part. :wink:

I’m really excited to see the whole year of manufacture/factory year concept being included. Can’t wait to put some cars together in a 1960s/70’s environment!

I don;t know why, but since I was 6 i’ve always wanted to own my own car company. I’ve also wanted to 1. design great cars and 2. be a GM for a baseball team. Put those 2 together and it matches perfectly.
o my votes go to designing the car and running a business/having car company(basically same thing)

I would have to go with creating my dream car company.
Hell I even have name for the company Farion which would translate into very manly cars with very feminine curves.

i also wanted to add “Building your dream car company” because that was the primary reason to search.
Bieng able to have a lot of fun with what makes a car is obviously a great deal of fun. But in a tycoon game (as this is) i like the car company part as well.

At first I was just interested in running a car company.
That was before I tested the engine designer. I love it.

[quote=“vantil”]At first I was just interested in running a car company.
That was before I tested the engine designer. I love it.[/quote]

I am still waiting to play with that as my current laptop was not at happy running it :frowning:

Getting a spanking new one with a decent graphics chip in a few weeks so i can have a go. :smiley:

Deffo the car designing bit that gets my attention though.