I think it would be beneficial if you could see the production cost of the motor without putting it on the dyno. Maybe just a little box with the cost in it that changes as you change parts.
Hmm, would that actually help? I mean while you are building the engine, and haven’t completed a first prototype yet, it makes little sense to show the sum as you cannot just “stop” in the middle anyway and you get the sum at the end. Every part already has info on cost and manhours.
It would make the UI more busy too, I doubt that would be offset by the usefulness of this feature.
I do think it would be useful, but only in the case that you’re redesigning the engine to reduce the cost etc, maybe useful when you’re lowering the quality of a specific area of the engine, as currently you only see the price change of the last thing you selected.
Not sure if it’s worth the UI space though.
[quote=“Daffyflyer”]I do think it would be useful, but only in the case that you’re redesigning the engine to reduce the cost etc, maybe useful when you’re lowering the quality of a specific area of the engine, as currently you only see the price change of the last thing you selected.
Not sure if it’s worth the UI space though.[/quote]
Just what I thought. If you are trying to optimize the costs of already built engine for that this is a good suggestion.
But from where to find space for this. That I don’t know…
Besides even finding a good spot for it on the GUI, I think it will be confusing not using it for new engines and using it for revising. Keeping it like it is now sounds like the best, as revising an engine (so probably changing settings and/or engine components) you will have to test it again to get the new HP, MTBF, Economy or any other stats anyway. You simply cant reduce cost without changing any other statistic of the engine.