The old machines have always proved their worth.
Working relentlessly day after day, carrying and pulling anything you needed, anywhere you needed.
But, outside the working days, there was a lot to be desired. Most times you'd just take your car to run the errands. Nothing wrong with that! Except It's getting kinda old, and your PowerWagon isn't any younger. So you start thinking, maybe it's time for an update. Something new.
Finances have been better... and fuel seems to be getting more and more expensive each day.
You start thinking maybe the best idea is to get something that can do all. A Two for One Work around the farm, be comfortable, not to big, and who knows... Maybe a looker too!
Vehicle Requirements
Utility Body only (Pick-up/Ute)
Max wheelbase: 3.0m rounded
Must use Leaf-Spring Solid-Axel at the rear
One row of seats only
No less than 1500kg (3306lb) Carrying capacity
Must be street legal (Headlights, taillights, indicators (can be same as taillight), mirrors, wipers, etc)
Any limit on number of seats? Is a crew cab acceptable/desirable?
Would suggest adding a fuel type rule. If going for US market, regular unleaded and a required catalytic converter would be appropriate for 1975 based on some quick research.
Any consideration of realism or requirements/limitations for realism? For example, I don’t think (but am not certain) that any pickups of this era had independent rear suspension. Also might want to specify anything about a specific market and what mirrors/reflectors might be required (if any).
Would suggest adding some of the typical verbiage around “reasonable” use of advanced trim settings.
Is towing capacity being scored beyond the minimum requirement? Or just to the extent that it is included in the utility stat? I think it’s pretty generally agreed that the towing capacity stat is fairly glitchy; you might consider a scoring stand-in based on a combination of torque, peak torque RPM (lower is better), and first/final drive gear ratios (higher is better).
Edit: I also assume we are running on stable version and not Al-Rilma. Might want to specify that.
I like the idea and am looking forward to participating!
If you want to make stuff like the Ranchero/ElCam at all viable, you’d have to make offroad less important - and probably below looks. Elsewise you’re gonna see people throw in entries on chunky tires and shit
yeah It seemed odd how difficult it was to get a decent number.
So it might be calculated the way @texasslav sugested.
I’ll add whats missing about advanced fixtures, fuel and so on.
I don’t want to limit things outright, if anyone wants to use dwb suspension at the rear they can, but they wont really gaining. My idea is the requirements should balance themselves out.
I’ll move offroa and comfort to 3* maybe?
I’ll do the changes tomorrow, ran out of time today.
Strongly recommend disregarding towing capacity. It’s totally broken. If you really want to simulate its importance, consider torque and gear/wheel ratios. Also take cargo volume with a grain of salt; it too is broken, not as badly.
Recommend taking a diminishing-returns approach with load capacity and off-road.
Also recommend fixing the seat count for a level playing field.
IRS should cost extra.
It might be useful to check out JOC6A and JOC6C. The former dealt directly with trucks. The latter had more to do with offroad use.
Following on from moroza’s suggestion, also check out how the QFC49 ruleset worked and what kind of entries it resulted in. Had us running back to double solid axles.
You are correct about deadline taking much longer than usual, but its understandably high.
Yes, Catholic Christmas is over and we celebrated New Year, but holiday season is very much not over.
Holiday season gives vast amount of free time only if you are, quite literally, a child.
Everyone else will have quite a lot of responsibilities related to preparing for all of these events. Maybe its family gathering or you are hanging out with friends. Religion-oriented holidays will require some preparation of their own as well.
Few examples:
Im not informed on how my 12y old niece celebrated New Year, but its very likely she wasnt particularly involved in either planning nor preparation. She is example of literal child i mentioned above, and so are absolutely youngest members of our community, only couple years her elder. Said members are staying in that literal child phase for just a few years.
My younger brother soon turns 16. He and two similarly-aged neighbors had plan for how to celebrate New Year and put it into action. They had assistance from parents in preparation and were supervised by an adult, but they mostly did everything essential to plan themselves. Some holidays are coming here soon and our parents are extensively planning and preparing for said holidays. Brother and his friends will also inevitably be heavily involved in preparation, as would be case with any similarly-aged member of community in similar situation.
“An adult” mentioned above is 26y old myself. People of my age very often would find themselves in similar position to my own parents: full planning and prepping for holidays with children included. Children being small DOES NOT help.
That goes against the whole point of QFC, if you miss this round because you can’t make it, too bad. It’s specifically meant to cater to those who either have lots of premade cars, or have time to make said cars.
Literal feature creep, still shorter than a csr perhaps but QFC is already so far from what it was originally intended to be, with short reviews and minimal rules so newer players could get to know how a challenge could work.
No it’s not. If someone didn’t get a vacation that’s on them. I don’t understand how new year warrants 3 week deadline, that’s 3x longer deadline than usually. This is QFC, and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want this to turn into CSR v2
Well, can you tone stuff down a bit? Rubensls has not even said if there is a reason for the long deadline, or if there is a possibility to shorten it down, so there’s no need for a debate about it yet IMO.
Seeing that im aware of intent that originally birthed Quick Fire Challenge, no, i would not necessarily agree with it becoming CSR v2.
Deadline matters and another reason why it might be so long
I had looked at deadlines of QFCs all the way to 49 and noticed they still do adhere to one week deadline - i feel we will all agree last 4 QFCs might be good enough representation of where its going. Im not aware of reason why host decided on longer deadline but they felt need to do so.
One of possible reasons, besides reasoning i mentioned above, might happen to be desire of host to leave some period for rules deliberation. While i find it very unlikely to be sole good justification for such a long deadline, it might go some way towards explaining it.
In that case, i would suggest to host to post deadline for rules deliberation after which challenge has locked-in rules and actual submission deadline can start
I planned to @Riley anyway, and it helps he provided perfect example of how this deliberation period should be handled in one of earlier challenges, which was established on 24th May.
Until host steps in and explains his logic behind it, we will not know for sure. IMO adjusting the deadline is change of rules and therefore should also be covered by this deliberation period
But QFC isnt just about short deadlines
Also a good point.
I find current rules for this being very short indeed, 52 was rather lengthy…ok, again going all the way to 49 does result in relatively lengthy rules from and including both 52 and 49…you may have a point there.
Havent checked reviews themselves admitedly, but im aware they are also important part of what makes this QFC.
Regarding post directly above this
I did thought of transferring this conversation in Discord, so to not clutter this thread. In case you decide to expand upon this, i will happily discuss there.
Hey guys, im going to spend the whole afternoon taking care of the challenge and catering to the requests. This is the first challenge I’m making and only the second time i’ve participated, so.
Deadline will be shortened, either to the 10th or 12th.
Ill be on discord when making the changes.
I want to have have it open for submissions tonight