Just messing around a bit in excel to find a formula for towing.
This seems ok no?
Should also take tire size, vehicle weight, and brake reserves into account, but it’s a good start.
How does tire size affect towing?
No, we will arm up and send airstrikes to each others houses over the forums about sending digital cars for no reward
Higher profile tires are generally stronger for carrying
Is anyone else having trouble reaching WES 6?
Towing and Load capacity will not be counted.
Utility will be based on this formula. For simplicity I will not include tire diameter in it because some will be limited by it in engineering and will resort to ATS.
Any comments and adjustments to the formula are welcomed.
QFC53 Test.zip (11.5 KB)
The rule says “no more than -2 quality” I think it should be “at least”
I’m using a turbo inline 4, so not really.
oh yeah, I’ll rephrase
@vento It’s a part of gearing calculations; larger tires need higher gears to put the same torque to the ground.
Do the ATS tyre diameter values correlate to anything in metric?
If so I can put it in the formula, if not I’ll have to use the values in engineering to the detriment of tyre diameter increased in ATS
Yes, at least if everything else is set up in standard (t.i metric) units. Each whole unit in ATS tire diameter is 1cm. Commendable thoroughness, but bear in mind that other real consequences of upsized tires, apart from visuals, are not reflected in stats.
I’ll include ATS on the formula then, on the rest we will have to work with what we have.
I’ll also include the utility formula so people have something to aim for.
So weird, changing tyre sizes will change the final drive value on the gearing section.
If its accounting for the impact on the real ratio it is good news. Now I just need to add a formula to account for the extra diameter in ATS
I’m Hilbert, that’s like the opposite of calm.
I think we should lower emissions standards to WES 5
It was kinda difficult to get WES6 for me, but managed in the end. Had to use 3-way Cat, retard lots of engine timing, very lean mixture, and quality points in fueling.
But I would agree. WES6 feels a bit strict for the era (but that’s not based on any knowledge or research :p)
How are you getting a cat, I tried +15 techpool for exhaust but I only have exhaust reactor