Radiator and wather heat?

Will radiator in diferent size/shape/material be implented?
And ofc wather temperature witch will influence MTBF.
Same could be done with oil temp and coolers :slight_smile:

This could be implented in the weight, and a limitation of the coolers size regarding what the engine is buildt for(race car/smal eco car/truck/stationary), would be fun to have the option of air cooled also, to have the option for low weight, but poor cooling :smiley:

This gives the opertunity for cooling of turbo’s also, oil/water/both :slight_smile:

Edit: added coolers size for clarification


Is this not relevant, or allready answered in some hidden thread? since I got no feedback from… anyone?

This touches on it a bit: viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1934

Different radiator sizes, and it’s coupled to MTBF, yes. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your response :slight_smile: