Rear wing suggestion

Hi guys!

My suggestion is to make adaptive-trunk contour wheels to prevent this:

And convert to this:

Because in some models, like the sedans, I can’t put a wing because looks ugly.

I agree completely with what you are saying and i think it would be a nice visual addtion to the game.

i think it will be a pain to do, as we deform the bodies left and right

If possible I would like to see this as well.

I think this would be difficult to implement. As good of a suggestion as it is, I wouldn’t expect it in the game any time soon.

The best “fix” would be to create a few lips that are like the small boot spoilers you see on some factory cars.

While they wouldn’t be curved when installed on top of the boot, they would be if installed on the back part, like this:

And I imagine that with some creative modelling, it could be possible to make some fairly nice things.

Making wings do this would probably be too complicated for it to be worth it, in addition to looking a bit wacky with some of the current wings.

+1 to trackpaduser. Great idea.

I use that lip as well on many of my designs and it looks nice. I’m sure the devs or some modders can come up with some interesting variations.

Yes, this problem is best solved by a few modded lips, go ahead and try things out you modders out there :slight_smile: I’m sure this would be a popular mod on the Workshop.

The Trackpaduser idea I’m using since a year ago (look the Excelsior 65 MRP), but using the same wing in all cars is boring.

An idea is to put a code variant to the thin lips (the imroved code of the lips).