I’m glad that you plan to add reliability of the cars to the game. It could make some interesting situations. I’ve got a couple of ideas about it.
When you finish the design process of a car, there could be an option “Build a proto-type”. Just like in “Detroit”.
After the proto-tpye has been built, you’ll have to setup the testing process. There should be a “Time” slider where you can set the duration of the testing in months. The longer the duration is the more expensive is the test and the more will be the delay to the new model’s debut.
On the other hand the testing would improve the reliability of the car. The test division of your company would find the little shortcomings of the proto-type and would give these information to the engineers. The player would’nt get detailed report about this, but the new car would get a reliability bonus for each month of testing. This bonus would be limited of course, so ten years of testing wouldn’t make you a bulletproof, never-stopping car.
A new model rushed into production too soon would have many glitches and it would be less reliable. This way the testing / prototype system would have more important role than it had in “Detroit”, making the gameplay more interesting.
Another idea: the test division would give you advices what to modify in the design to make it better. The more test you do, the more advice you get. If you accept these hints your car would be better, but its debut would be delayed because of the re-design and the re-tool the production equipment. As in “Detroit” there could be check-boxes for what to focus on during the test-process: handling, economy, safety, ergonomy/luxury, etc. The advices would be according to this selection.
Reliability issues: there should be a possibility that a shortcoming of a car will be revealed too late -> by the public after the production began. For example the gas-pedal is prone to stuck under the carpet. The player has the following options:
Leave everything as is. It’s the cheapest way, but it has risk of many accidents or many broken down cars.
Re-tool the production line in secret
Re-tool the prod. line, and recall all the cars produced so far with the glitch.
Arent Prototypes done BEFORE the (re)tooling of the production line? And mostly without machines?[/quote]
Well, that’s correct but my point is that the more things you change on the prototype after its testing stage the later the actual production of the model begins. I think it makes some sense.
The game could be more interesting if time will be an important factor when you design a new model. The more you refine your new car the better it will be - but until the model launch you’ll have to sell your aging old car. It wouldn’t be too challenging for the player if he could design a whole model line-up with a few clicks and in one turn/ one month game time or something like that. Designing and launching a new model is an important strategic decision in real life - so it should be like that in Automation. Sorry about my bad English.
Arent Prototypes done BEFORE the (re)tooling of the production line? And mostly without machines?
Well, that’s correct but my point is that the more things you change on the prototype after its testing stage the later the actual production of the model begins. I think it makes some sense.
The game could be more interesting if time will be an important factor when you design a new model. The more you refine your new car the better it will be - but until the model launch you’ll have to sell your aging old car. It wouldn’t be too challenging for the player if he could design a whole model line-up with a few clicks and in one turn/ one month game time or something like that. Designing and launching a new model is an important strategic decision in real life - so it should be like that in Automation. Sorry about my bad English.[/quote]
Hello, I found this forum and about this game using google for my two favorite gaming genre’s, cars (building and / or racing) and RTS, finally a game that appears at least to combine Street legal redline racing’s fantastic detail when it comes to building / modifying vehicles and a solid (hopefully) strategic business game.
Instead of creating a new thread as my “idea” also included the above idea, and is perhaps related if only slightly.
Going with the above idea, of reliability and testing your new models, i was thinking perhaps some sort of crash testing could be incorporated. Ok so this game starts just as world war II ends, where there was no crash testing, however if the game continues up to, or beyond modern day (i seem to recall 2020 being stated somewhere on these forums) then i think it would be a nice touch for certain requirements to be incorporated as you progress through the years. I’m not suggesting a full visual crash test (although this would be incredibly fun to watch, smashing your prototypes into millions of pieces if you get the design wrong, or have a bad batch of cars due to manufacturing fault, weak chassis ect) but maybe a system where you send your car off to say Euro Ncap vehicle safety centre and get a report back of where your vehicle stood up well to damage, and where it may lack vital safety features, suchas airbags / crumple zones, i understand this may be very difficult, (crumple zones especially) but i think it would be a nice feature, if only simplified compared to the real thing.
I also mentioned above manufacturing faults / bad workmanship, this maybe something else which you could add, causing the factory recalls ect as above, machines that build your engines / chassis ect can malfunction to differing levels of severity.
Anyhow, don’t rush the game, make it a success unlike the countless failed attempts at creating a tycoon game since the king of tycoon games, RCT. However, if i find a remedy for the dreaded disease of drowziness, i expect you to use it, and finish this game in record time, whilst still making it as good as i’m sure it will be.
I like this idea. A graphical representation would probably be way too much work, but im sure itcould be added into the testing of cars.
I also like this Idea… Im sure its been mentioned before, But I would love to see things like poor wages/unhappy workers affect workmanship… Think British Leyland: Always on strike, and when they wern’t standing around the brazier, the cars they did make were rubbish.
There is one; Its called Caffeine by the bucket load