Right click to adjust values

A little suggestion.

I would like to have to opportunity to use the right mouse button when adjusting the sliders. Now left click is one unit, right click could be 10 units, much like the system in Live for Speed.


That’s a good, easy to implement idea. We’ll consider it!

Maybe a button which allows you to enter values directly?
Although the span of the diffrent values isn’t that big.


Not a bad thought, have no idea how easy it is to impliment, but shall ponder it

Entering the value directly via keyboard I think is a very bad idea though… this is game design from the 80’s and should not be part of any modern game, but probably would fit accounting tools. Sliders are bad enough already - and we have too many of those xD. The right-click for a larger increment is good on the other hand, because it gives a system already in place more flexibility and potentially makes the game flow better.

The only place I’d like to be able to click to enter (erase actually) is the engine name on the test page. Clicking and holding backspace or tapping the key a dozen times is no fun. It would be nice to click the name once, and then type to enter a new name.

Yes, that is a pretty bad right now and needs to change… I’ll add it to our bugtracking tool. Cheers!

Really? I think it would helpful to have the option to enter the values into a text box, you know so you can enter more precise values. It doesn’t have to be the default or anything like that, maybe an option in the settings menu?