Hello everyone, welcome to another silly suggestion for a part of the game that is still months away from even beginning development. (the tycoon part)
wouldn’t it be great if we could rush the development of Automation and get it months earlier? Yes it would. Then again, it would be all buggy and silly…
That’s exactly what I’m suggesting, but for car development within the game. The great thing about automation is that we get to design the car from the ground up. Every aspect of the engine, what suspension we use, how the car looks, etc. But I imagine our car companies are still going to need to pay a staff of designers and engineers to turn that blueprint of a car into a production model. And obviously, they’re gonna need some time to get it done.
While this seems more realistic than just popping a new design instantaneously, it doesnt seem to have much gameplay fun to it (why bother, right?) So I thought there should be a rush design slider.
If your make super sports cars for the western european market, you’re probably going to leave that slider alone. That means everything is carefully thought about, extensive testing is carried out throughout the project etc. so the production model comes out with the same stats as your blueprint design. (maybe a boost if you give them more time)
On the other hand, if your selling utility cars in southeast asia and your competitors just introduced a new model that is obliterating you, maybe there is no need for those nerdy engineers to test every damn wire on your brilliant design. After all, time is money. So you move that slider to the left (or right, that’s not the important part, I assure you) and boom, you get the car ready for production ahead of schedule. But… that’s right, the model will have some penalties to the stats of your blueprint (maybe even some fatal flaws if you over do it).
Okay! That came out longer than anticipated…
What do you guys think?