Same Block, different head?

I’d love to see an option on engine variants to change to a different head on the same engine block in order to save money for when designing an engine. Honda had an example of this with their F20. There was a single cam and a dual cam variant.

Any ideas if this will be implemented?


IIRC, this idea has been asked before and was shot down due to the nature of the Tycoon aspect and “gaming” the system. In theory, it is certainly possible to manufacture multiple valvetrain types on a single block, but in the game it presents an issue with tech/engineering times and costs. As a huge fan of the American muscle car era, I certainly think we should be able to put aluminium and cast heads on a single block, but this also isn’t (currently) allowed. I’m sure somebody else here will add additional comments to further clarify the reasoning behind this, as I cannot recall exactly what has been said before about it.
