|Side Quest| Chad Touring Cup |AutoBeam|

Unfortunately that is literally the only car i missed for some reason. I drove it too. I said in the video that it would come up in the next video, so it’ll show up.


Good stuff, but your voice is drowned out by engine noise and I can only make out half of what you’re saying. Something about ABS?

DCMW (Dalluha Coach & Motor Works), not DMCW.

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Woo! Made it through this time!

Also surprised you couldn’t tell the difference between the Kiyume ‘Eco’ and the Kiyume ‘GT4 Eco’ - It had 3.5 times the power! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Wow what great driving! What does Djdania mean when he says a car isn’t direct enough though.

The Légèfoudre has 290 mm carbon ceramic 6 caliper front brakes. When I was tuning the brakes I put in super big brakes or so I thought. Front braking force is about 6,070 newtons idk if that’s a lot or not

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Generally with the braking graph you want your brakes (the solid line) to be just slightly above the available grip (the dotted line) for both the front and rear brakes respectively, and also try to reduce the amount of brake fade as much as possible, within reason for some cars. Sport and race cars generally can get away with more aggressive brake pads (70 and higher brake pads setting) but if you have something more close to a GT car or out and out luxury, you probably need to aim for something closer to 40 or less brake pad setting due to the comfort penalties associated with harsher braking.

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are you drunk or what, why is the tallights in xuzL is so low

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nice, one of the most important things in every challenge is your car design get liked

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The Légèfoudre does have 0% brake fade! And also 0 comfort haha

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Yeah, i gotta get used to using the new temporary mic. Also, yeah the car was suffering from not enough ABS i would say. I will try to get the name right next time lmao

The EV is about as bad as I thought it would be, even messing with the final drive and it accelerates so slow.

The other car just has the intake and exhaust sportiness turned way up in the advanced trim options. That’s why it sounds so mad

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the month of silence and i have no idea if anything is still here, lots of personal problems came in. But, the second round is here!

A tie, so i’ll post the tiebreaker video tomorrow i think. Only 2 cars after all


Much better audio.

Feel free to modify and retune my cars as you see fit. Just give me credit if they go elsewhere, and share with me anything particularly interesting.

The Firebreather has nearly unbreakable rear grip with my setup, so the comment about oversteer is valuable feedback, thank you.

I much enjoyed this whole event, but somehow my favorite part was making the special order. I’d love to do that again - send me your batshit insane ideas and I’ll see what I can do!


Phew, that took no time at all. Congrats to Trouble2X in our discord winning! Again!
Of course, congrats to Nocturne on P2, he put up quite a fight. But not close enough.
So, that’s that! The end of the CTC! Took way too long, but i hope you guys enjoyed it.
If you have any ideas for the next challenge, then give us em, all are appreciated!
And if you want some extra stuff to do, we’ll be hosting weekly “challenges” in our discord, so if you want to just design something and end up on a big ol’ list, go check that out.


I hope you do another one of these someday so I and other new ppl get a chance to race here :grinning:


Hey! Yep, we’re working on it.