Small exterior details?

Just a small request, hopefully it’s not too huge of a request but can you guys add some extra goodies to the exterior accessories (like when you add the headlights & door handles and stuff) but can you guys add like a Radio antenna/aerial (a variety from older style to the newer “shark fin” style) and like a circle, square and rectangle fuel cap cover? That be awesome to add these kind of small details, will just make the cars look a bit more realistic?

Just a small request but anyone else got some ideas for other small goodies? :stuck_out_tongue:

Windscreen wipers, front and rear.
I can live without them though, even if my customers don’t :wink:

Oh and on some of the older bodies, the ability to mount indicators on the bumper

Indeed such things will be in eventually, but as you might imagine it’s not high up on our priorities list.

Probably many of these minor details can and will be added by modders. The devs have bigger things to focus on. :slight_smile:

Exactly, I would like the devs to make the complete game, and then the modders can focus on the smaller things, like whipers and give that extra safety rating :wink:

You mean like “modders” as in third party?

Call me naïve, but how hard can it be to add these few small details by the devs? I mean If you guys are still working on the car designer part of the game, and adding more and more car bodys, won’t It just take a day or 2 to model and add in some whippers, radio aerials & fuel caps?

Please guys?

car models: vital to the actual core gameplay
wipers: a nice visual bonus not important to gameplay

^this. You probably have no clue of how to model, let alone for this game. To make a decent model game-worthy, you are not talking about 10 minutes of work. It can take up to 2 hours per model. If the devs work 9 hours a day, that means, according to you, in 18 hours they have to model a diversity of the things they implement (at least 3 antennas, single, double wipers, about 5 fuelcaps) Then they all need to be made game-ready, so they morph well into the body without glitching. Then they need to be implemented into the code and into the GUI of the game (which is a crowsded GUI at this time already)

So, more like 2 weeks, not even including beta-testing and bugfixing!

[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]^this. You probably have no clue of how to model, let alone for this game. To make a decent model game-worthy, you are not talking about 10 minutes of work. It can take up to 2 hours per model. If the devs work 9 hours a day, that means, according to you, in 18 hours they have to model a diversity of the things they implement (at least 3 antennas, single, double wipers, about 5 fuelcaps) Then they all need to be made game-ready, so they morph well into the body without glitching. Then they need to be implemented into the code and into the GUI of the game (which is a crowsded GUI at this time already)

So, more like 2 weeks, not even including beta-testing and bugfixing![/quote]

Wow serious! :open_mouth:

Yeah, it’s easy for the uninitiated to underestimate the time it takes, even for such “trivial” things.

[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]^this. You probably have no clue of how to model, let alone for this game. To make a decent model game-worthy, you are not talking about 10 minutes of work. It can take up to 2 hours per model. If the devs work 9 hours a day, that means, according to you, in 18 hours they have to model a diversity of the things they implement (at least 3 antennas, single, double wipers, about 5 fuelcaps) Then they all need to be made game-ready, so they morph well into the body without glitching. Then they need to be implemented into the code and into the GUI of the game (which is a crowsded GUI at this time already)

So, more like 2 weeks, not even including beta-testing and bugfixing![/quote]

Umm… i can make models for you. Will that help? :laughing:


[quote=“WizzyThaMan”]^this. You probably have no clue of how to model, let alone for this game. To make a decent model game-worthy, you are not talking about 10 minutes of work. It can take up to 2 hours per model. If the devs work 9 hours a day, that means, according to you, in 18 hours they have to model a diversity of the things they implement (at least 3 antennas, single, double wipers, about 5 fuelcaps) Then they all need to be made game-ready, so they morph well into the body without glitching. Then they need to be implemented into the code and into the GUI of the game (which is a crowsded GUI at this time already)

So, more like 2 weeks, not even including beta-testing and bugfixing![/quote]

Umm… i can make models for you. Will that help? :laughing:[/quote]

I can make them myself, so thanks for the offer, but no :wink: