Some Thoughts

Some things I have been thinking of that might improve the game:

Fixture design for mirrors
Fixture design for windows, meaning that a person can mold the windows of the car to his or her liking. For example, on a new Honda Odyssey, the back side window is shaped upward, a design a person cannot match in the game.
Individual paint sections: Some cars have more than one tone of paint (the bottom is a different color, or there is a racing strip, etc.)
Model Year editing slider: Much like how the old engine designer removed parts that were not invented during a preferred year, the fixture designer could be able to remove any designs that might not fit with a person’s desired period.

Hope these are somewhat helpful!

  1. Kinda hard to do because of the way the mirrors work (have to be part of the car really)
  2. I can’t think of a good way of doing that, the windows are part of the car mesh itself, and stamping them in would be really hard to do in a way that looked any good as they wouldn’t change shape with the deformation of the car etc.
  3. We would like to do that at some point, should be possible.
  4. That will probably happen, as fixtures will be limited by year eventually.