Suggest Names for AI Car Companies!

Audi = Vide
Chevrolet = Chevalier
Acura = Aluxura
Nissan = Kissass
Volkswagen = Ferdinand (VAG = …)

Subbi = Subaru
NieSun = Nissan
Merde = Mercedes (It´s french for sh*t) mist, schei$$e LOL

Audi - Dauy
Subaru - Sebbur
Renault - Terrenaul
Dacia - Aidac
Volvo - Ovlovo
Land Rover - Country Passer
Nissan - Sinnie
Mitsubishi - Shibutira
Honda - Hionde
Hyundai - Junddie
Ford - Droff
Saturn - Mercury
McLaren - LacMaren
Mercedes - Fenandez
Fiat - Ghiatt
Kia - iakle’s
Jeep - Keep
Bentley - Yenttey
Alfa Romeo - Beta Giullieta
Peugeot - Ueppigot
Citroen - Cytro Enn
Skoda - Dassok
Volkswagen - Car o’ the Country
Aston Martin - Marrie Stone

Those are all brands passed thru my mind!

As easy as it is, just changing around a few letters of a manufacturers name usually just results in a word that means nothing.

Pontiac, for example, is named after a well known Native American chief of the Ottawa tribe. So a good parody name of Pontiac could be Geronimo or Osceola.

Volvo is latin for “I roll” or “roll”, referring to ball bearings which were Volvo’s original product, so a good parody name could be “Tortam” which is latin for twist.


Tortam you mean accusative feminine singular of tortus

MINI’s equivalent should be called TINI.

My last post had different letter positions (some). Now those are completely new words.

Audi - Renegader
Subaru - Rallystic
Renault - Terrainer
Dacia - Roman
Volvo - Twisty
Land Rover - Country Passer (Country Passer will be my company name)
Nissan - Sinnie
Mitsubishi - Ayrodinamic
Honda - Skydiver
Hyundai - Centeral
Ford - Oldomer
Saturn - Mercury
McLaren - LcMaren
Mercedes - Fernandez
Fiat - Romatt
Kia - Iackle’s (I= i not L)
Jeep - Keep
Bentley - Lampador
Alfa Romeo - Beta Giulietta
Peugeot - Piegon
Citroen - Darren
Skoda - Colourer
Volkswagen - Countrycar
Aston Martin - Marrie Stone
Chevrolet - Musclette
Cadillac - Bat

Chevy: Servette
Ford: Rodthrough&Heads
Fiat: Scorpio
Nissan: Othermoon
Volkswagen: Reichrunner
Lamborghini: Vaffanculo
Saab: Airbaggen
Chrysler: Shyster
Cadillac: Capone
Lincoln: Kennedy
Mercedes: Schafter-Pretzel
Ferrari: Rosso
Alfa Romeo: Buena Genoa

Alfa Romeo: Allegurina

Aston Martin: Alfred Morris

Audi: Rings

Bentley: Beastley

BMW: Bayern

Cadillac: Callisto

Chevrolet: Chevron

Chrysler: Chrome

Citroen: Citrus

Dacia: Danka

Daihatsu: Dantaisu

Dodge: Cobra

Ferrari: Fiorente

Fiat: Fido

Ford: Fond

Honda: Hando

Hummer: Hasmer

Hyundai: Hayuda

Jaguar: Panther

Jeep: Jango

Kia: Kandai

Koenigsegg: Svenskigge

Lamborghini: Torrolino

Lancia: Lundia

Land Rover: Roamer

Lexus: Luxur

Lotus: Lettuce

Maserati: Masmara

Mazda: Fundai

McLaren: McAllister

Mercedes-Benz: Muraden-Band

Mini: Milli

Mitsubishi: Mastudara

Nissan: Nippon

Opel: Saffier

Pagani: Pandagi

Peugeot: Pouillot

Porsche: Pranche

Renault: Renaldau

Rolls-Royce: Raven-Roman

Saab: Svenskala

Seat: Iberias

Skoda: Scarag

Smart: Spirit

Subaru: ibaru

Suzuki: ikuyara

Toyota: Tokadashi

VW: Dasvagen

Volvo: Vandaska

Lots of names are just made up, most of them actually have a deeper meaning, by taking some typical words and translating them and making a wordplay with that word. For example, Alfa Romeo was known for rusting and is a very stylish brand, so making an italian wordplay for ‘rust’ and ‘stylish’ made me come up with that. For some I just looked at their nationality and tried making it sound like it could be from Japan or UK etc.


No, it’s VWEE-Tech!

Ok how about
Nissan = hijōnikōsoku

Acura - Zcura
Mitsubishi - Ritsubishi
Subaru - Sabaru
Nissan - Nismo(I will use Nismo since its little bit the same)
I do not know…

please read -

Lol nismo mate you should be a car namer

I like Chevron for Chevrolet.
Pontiac = Potomac/Kewanee (a river that sounds like “pontiac” or another town name)
Mercury = Hermes (the Greek name instead of Roman)
BMW = EMW (I doubt the former East-German motor company will sue over this, and it would be a fun bit of trivia)
Studebaker = Pacemaker
GM = Durant Motors
Cadillac = Descartes

British Heyland

Ah, I really wanted that to be called English Raymond.

wasn’t Chevron an oil company of some sort?

Yes, Chevron is the oilcompany.