Suggestion on selling cars and capturing market

u know der should be a good strategy too in the game like publishing ads, creating a brand name, plus brand loyalty kind of stuff and the main thing is it should work with out any bugs it shouldnt be like the old ccar tycoon

plus the researcher the one who develops a technology first can have a royality kind of stuff this will give it finishing touch :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Let me try to extract something useful out of the mess that is your post up there (seriously, try to put some effort into getting it right next time):

Suggestion: If your company reaches a new tech first, other companies might be interested in a licensing deal for this tech which is protected by a patent. This would be a source of income for your own company for a few years. This could work the same way when a different company has a new tech which your company could license.

I could only see that working if the patents were really short OR if the patents run out when the world tech level catches up. On the other hand, if the patents worked the same as in reality then (20 years in the US) then it would be pretty crippling/easy to game the system. pun totally intended.

Exactly, I agree with what you say serothis. IRL holding a patent gets more and more expensive for every year you hold it. In Automation I could see this working when, as you say, they automatically expire when the standard market tech threshold is reached, and you actually have to pay for holding the patent.

yeah, with costs raising with each year.

my point is just to bring a lil reality to the game with more stuff to do with and wat about the commerceial ads a nice example for this is the capitalism 2 as it has got a good bussiness strategies adding and manufacturing plus its has a lot to do with shares and stock market but the problem with this kind of stuff is with fixing of bugs

and the thing with patents is that as soon as u discover a new tech u can stop purchasing and paying to other companies and u can earn ur own patent earning

and for the R&d market or center u can fix a limited kiind and amount of techs and parts and if that is discovered u have to work out with those things for mean while like for 2 yrs or 5 yrs and than again new parts and tech research will be available