Suggestions after having Tried Out the Features

Ones which I have not found after searching:

-I noticed grills and vents have textures which are stretched when the grill and vent is enlarged. I think it would be a simple small fix to make it so the texture “loops” and takes up the whole vent by having multiple photos of the texture side by side rather than one stretched photo.

I don’t know if I’m being clear in my explanation but basically what I mean is if this dot “.” is the texture and ] is the grill the game does this:

. ] --> _ ]

rather than:

. ] --> … ]

-Customizable text on Cylinder Heads, it says “Automation” on it usually, but why not make it so you can type out your company’s name or the model of the car on it along with custom badges if those are integrated!

-This is probably in your future plans, but a system to organize cars so that you can have a car Model declined into multiple versions with different engines, fixtures and interiors, wheels ect. The revision system exists, I realize but you can’t name them.

I’m talking about a system where each Model is like a drop down menu, with 2-3 platforms to accommodate different types of cooling and such and then different final models based on these platforms. That way you could have a model evolving over years and varying according to the sub-model you pick (Regular, Sport, Turbo ect.)

As well as picking color schemes for each final model, and being able to put a car on the market sold in 3-10 colors. I guess this is not implemented yet since Sandbox does not have much use for it, but I think it would still be nice to have it in Sandbox so that cars aren’t “stuck” as being one color.

Ideas which have already been suggested (just to let you realize that more people care about some suggestions than you may think, if that might influence your decision):

-Race Cars, but I mention it because I believe my thought on this might be slightly different, I think three things are really necessary for this:

–> My suggested Model Organization Idea: That way the most high-end brute model with the most extreme engine could become the race car

–> Decals! As suggested by others before, perhaps included in the game or imported from images, to give the cars a look

–> A basic race system, put something like 10 tracks (which you draw out) and each one tests cars in a specific fashion (a combination of top speed, acceleration, cornering), and based on calculations, and available technologies at the time, but also a random variable to factor in luck, decides whether you win or not, without necessarily having to ever show the actual race. I’m not a crazy programmer, so I don’t know how hard this would be to implement, but you could have an initiative where people design the AI competitor’s race cars and the best 10 for each time period are picked, and these are the cars you race against.

-New Paints, a color palette system, with different finished like matte.

I hope these suggestions don’t seem silly, and I’d be happy to help for anything you think I might be able to help with! (I’m essentially just good at drawing and photoshop kind of) :smiley:

Valve Cover Options
Race Cars???
Whats in the game?

They also may cause a reversed effect, the more often it gets suggested, the less we want it or the longer the game will take to release. Do you want a poorly made game with all the suggested features or a really well made game that focuses and does not eat up your HDD Space cause of over 9000 Features?

However I do aggree on your first issue - on huge or really stretched vents/grilles it looks really horrible sometimes. Really can hurt the eyes.

In a similar vein, and probably harder, if not impossible, to amend, the edges of the fixtures also stretch, so for example, you could end up with a really thick chrome edge on large grill instead of an elegant thin one. Not the end of the world though.

I just wanted to show I care! It’s true though a poorly finished game would be too bad.

I see this game as a bit of a Minecraft though, one which continually evolves and can afford to make mistakes. As to hard drive space, I have 4Tb, 3 of which are free, and struggling to get filled, so bring it on! :wink:

Continuing my Minecraft metaphor though, perhaps features like Race Cars (it’s going to happen one way or another I’m sure!) could be a mod made by the community.

But anyway, there is so much that could be done and implemented to this game, it’s hard to decide where to start, and what to leave out, I just felt like giving my 2 cents!

Most of those things would be either difficult or add a bit much complexity.

  • Yes! We are going to improve that system a lot

Regarding the textures in grilles, that should be possible, though I seem to remember we may have experimented with that in the past, can’t remember why we haven’t implemented it yet though >.>

[quote=“Daffyflyer”]Most of those things would be either difficult or add a bit much complexity.

  • Yes! We are going to improve that system a lot

Regarding the textures in grilles, that should be possible, though I seem to remember we may have experimented with that in the past, can’t remember why we haven’t implemented it yet though >.>[/quote]

Great to hear! I’m very excited for the mid-january update to toy around with making cars more.