Suggestions from the top of my head

[size=150]Thease are just suggestions/questions from the top of my head, I do not know if some of it is already planned, but just remove the post if you feel it’s inapropriate.
Multi aspiration, Like the new Jaguar CX75 prototype having 1 supercharger and 1 turbocharger (i think)
Hybrid cars, having like a petrol/gasoline engine powering rear wheels and 1/2 electric engines powering front wheels.
Big “trucks” like the Ford F350/450 etc.
semi trucks/busses?
“clean fuels” (Completelly forgot what it’s called) like E85 (85% ethanol, 15% petrol/gasoline), pure ethanol, biogas (i know some swedish busses run on it, i have no idea if it whould work in cars) etc…
Making it so that in the model designer, if you raise the hood/bonnet or pull the window backwards, you will be able to fit a longer/higher engine in the car. (Probably allready planned)

I will update the list once every few days, removing and adding new stuff, if it’s ok to post like this that is.

Most of what you are asking has already been asked before or could be found in the two main FAQs:

To summarise:

  • multiple forced induction types on one engine: Yes, probably as DLC
  • Hybrids: yes, as DLC
  • Other fuels: Probably yes, but as DLC. Diesel is definitly coming as a DLC, don’t know about clean fuels
  • other body types: yes to pickups, dont know about semi-trucks/busses (at a guess i would say no)

As for the bigger engines depending on the bodywork deformations, I’m sure I’ve seen it asked before, but I cant remember the answer for the life of me

Cheap DLC then i hope, cause i allready paid for Supercharged/Turbocharged version of the game, and i dont want to pay like 20$ for some extra fuel types or such. But good too know.

Getting you diesels is not done by changing a few words and numbers. It’s around half a 4-6 months of work for the team. We’ll only be able to make that happen if we’re successful enough. That is true for all possible DLC.

I study game programming, i know how much time it takes, time is not an issue on my part, it’s getting it at all that i’m asking.

Not quite sure what you mean, but do please remember that time costs money!

I think he means he doesnt mind how long he has to wait so long as it will actually happen some day :slight_smile:

I Mean that I know how programming works (well I know the basics), and I know how much it takes to make games, and that I just want to know if it is planed or not, I’m not asking for release dates.
I dont care if it comes next patch or next year…

([color=#FF0000]kinda off topic[/color]) And i hope that you keep in mind that if you support the community and listen to them, they will surelly support you. I dont care if i have to pay more for a game if it’s got constant updates (like updates on whats happning and such every week or so, game updates every 2-4 months or so) and the developers listen to the community for bugs/suggestions etc, which i obviously see ur doing right now by replying to my little pewnie topic.

Reading through your post, I find it rather ‘direct’ and some sort of ‘agressive’ way of talking. You are also not a really active user here, as far as I can see. Let me clear things up a little.

I think you know how gameprogramming works, sure. But then you should also know, how important it is to do your homework. How would you like it when you develop a game and people keep asking kind of the same things over and over, and you keep pointing them out to the FAQ or What will be in/WHat will be out of the game topic, but they just seem to be TOO LAZY to read it and start their posts with

[quote=“warkus”][size=150][color=#FF0000]Thease are just suggestions/questions from the top of my head, I do not know if some of it is already planned, but just remove the post if you feel it’s inapropriate.[/color]

Besides that, you are getting a really decent game for those, what, 25 bucks you had you pay to become turbo/supercharged? Getting in more stuff like diesels, with all the graphics, calculations and other tasks cost quite some time to develop, debug and make release-ready. But of course you know all this right? And you would never want to get payed for all your effort?

If you would have read the posts pointed out clearly by Reaper392, you could have read that any DLC won’t be just ‘Some extra fuel types’ only. You are getting a complete package there with a complete new ability to play-through the game with new technology, especially when talking about Diesels.

If you had taken the time to read other posts, you would have noticed that besides your ‘pewnie little post’ as you describe it yourself, the devs spend quite some time in listening and talking to the community. The point you are trying to prove here is therefore quite unclear to me and just a time-waster that could have been well-spent on developing the game or listening to someone or something that really would contribute something to the game.

Now don’t take my post offensively, I do not mean to insult you, but I find it ‘slightly’ disrespectful the way you speak to the devs. Try to arrange your sentences a bit more respectful next time you post and read around a bit before updating/making posts. :slight_smile:

Closed. To be deleted (as requested by self-report by OP) soon.